(Harvest Moon: Animal Parade) Chase x Dandere Reader

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"Wake up!" A tiny fairy shouted into the air. This was the unofficial alarm clock you were surprised with that morning. You usually woke yourself up but today was a little different.

     "I'm awake..." you drowsily mumbled, but you didn't move. The fairy steamed and flew over, grabbing the covers and taking off

     "you slept in!!" The fairy bellowed.

     Your eyes shot open and saw that the sun was well into the sky. "I have to milk the cows!!" You pulled on the necessities and dashed out the door, "they must be in so much pain!"

     As the door burst open with you flying out of the house, you didn't hear the chorus of 'moos' you were expecting. You looked around and saw that everything had been watered and harvested. You then went to the barn and saw that they too had been taken care of. "What's going on?" It was an odd but pleasant surprise. Lastly, you went to the chicken coop, and there you saw it. Chase getting pecked as he tried to collect the eggs. You let out a quiet giggle watching him interact with the chickens.

Chase shot his attention to the door and immediately gave the grandest pout that ever existed. "What's so funny?"

"N-Nothing!" You said with fright as you hid yourself behind the door.

     You thought about how early he must have woken up to come all the way to your house and do your morning chores. "What are you doing here so early?"  You asked, still half hidden and red in the face.

     "Tsk, it was supposed to be a surprise and this is the only time of day I could do it."  His hands rested loosely on his hips as he spoke. His face also held a flush but mixed with a little grumpy expression from embarrassment. He wasn't used to expressing himself but he wanted to make sure the day went perfectly and going out of his comfort zone was worth it once he saw the gleam in your eyes and that red tint on your face.

      You had stepped completely in view and looked at him in awe. "W-Wow...thank you!"  You knee he wasn't one to go out of his way for others but it lit you up inside thinking that he would for you.

     His moue deepened with the tint across his cheeks. "D-Don't be so cute!" He quietly demanded.

     "Huh?" You didn't hear him but you could tell by his face that he was embarrassed from being caught doing something sweet for you.

     "*sigh,* Nothing" his face eased up as he approached. He offered up his hand, "if you're ready, let's go into town for a while."

     You grabbed shyly and nodded.

     You both took a romantic walk into town  and spent the day together until Chase suggested going to the private little beach by your ranch.

     As you walked Chase suddenly covered your eyes, "don't look," and lead you the rest of the way.
     You quietly giggled, "what's gotten in to you today?"

     "It just an important day, today." He didn't say anything else but you thought you could hear the rustling of grass and hurried footsteps getting farther away.

     Upon regaining your sight, you gaped at the scene. There on the beach was a blanket, candles and a basket, no doubt filled with Chase's delicious cooking. "Wow..." you murmured for the second time that day.

     You turned to him  with the brightest blush that Chase had ever seen on you, which was really saying something. Your mouth twitched into a bashful smile as you had become as flustered as when you first met. "Y-You re-eally did this for me?"

     He just smiled and took your hand, leading you to the blanket to start the evening. "It's a special day after all."

     This caught your attention. "Why? What's today?"
     It was Chase's turn to gawk. He slapped his forehead and sighed, "of course you would forget your own birthday."

     "M-My birthday?!" You forget your own birthday. You felt a little disappointed in yourself but very impressed with your boyfriend.  It was your first birthday being together.

     He frowned and turned away, "...yeah...well, it's special for another reason too."

    "What did I forget now?"  You though.

     You peaked over Chase's shoulder as he dug through the picnic basket. As soon as he found what he was looking for he took a deep breath and faced you. You don't think you've ever seen that shade of red on him before.

     "(Y/n)...I can't put into words everything you've made me feel. At first I thought you were just an irresponsible airhead...but boy, did you prove me wrong. You're strong, dedicated, hardworking, and just incredible in all the ways I can think of. There's no one like you...and no one else I want to spend my time and life with." He revealed and opened a little velvet box. Inside was the traditional engagement ring of the town.

     He looked you in the eyes with so much meaning, "will you marry me?"

     You couldn't help yourself from tearing up. You didn't know what to say but..."yes!"

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