(The Legend of Zelda) Link x Reader

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Rolling out of bed, I felt the warm rays of the sun mold over my skin. It was that fresh, cool morning air that made the sun feel so welcoming. Mornings like these assured me that the day will be good.

"*YAAAWWNN!!*" I released as I stretched my still unawakened limbs before preparing for the day.

As I finished dressing and eating, I prepared for my first chore of feeding the chickens. They can be pretty rambunctious sometimes and the local children liked to play with them. I wouldn't mind but they never seem to put them back. But there's always Link who's willing to help me catch them all. Even if he won't speak to me.

I opened the wood door and stepped out onto the cool stone step right outside and was greeted by non other than Link himself. He was running around, like he always was. He was always willing to help the people in our village. "He's really is a good guy." I mumbled to myself as I fetched the sack of chicken feed and made way for the pen they were kept in.

Across the field, in the tall grass, Link stood in a crouched position looking for a stray arrow. Once he found it and finally lifted his head up, he caught sight of (Y/n) and blushed. She was walking amongst the chickens and fairly distributing feed in the beautiful early morning light. He subconsciously plopped down and kept staring. He had always been too shy to say anything to her but he tried to get the message of his affection across to her from his actions.  After a moment of ogling, he realized what he was doing and flushed with embarrassment, stiffly bursting to his feet and slowly walked back towards his house. He only slowed down intermittently to catch a glimpse of the girl from the corner of his eye.


As he passed the girl's house he froze when he heard her call out to him. He turned to her with red cheeks and pointed to himself, to clarify that she was actually talking to him. "?"

She giggled, "yeah, you." She smiled as she walked to him through the dewy grass. He kept silent, though he definitely looked nervous.

Earlier, (Y/n) had seen him as she finished her outside chores and decided to talk to him.

"I definitely need to be nicer to him, he helps me so much...even if he doesn't say much." I smiled to myself with a light blush. He's the only man my age around here and I'm glad he's so kind to everyone. I never knew for sure if I wanted to get married some day but maybe Link could be I good guy to get to know. "I'll start with a 'hello' first. T-that's a good start, right?"

     I walked through the grass as gracefully as I could to Link.  "He looks a little...disturbed.  I guess I would get a little anxious if someone I didn't know well approached me too."  I stopped at a comfortable distance with an easy smile.  "Good morning!" I chimed.

     Link looked to the side a little nervously but he had a smile.  He looked back to me and and casually lifted his hand in a "hello" kind of way.

     I looked at him and relaxed a bit seeing that he didn't seem to dislike my approach to him.  I suddenly got an idea.  "Maybe I should do something for him as a thank you?!"  My smile brightened.  "S-So I was thinking...  I've noticed you doing things for everyone in town, even for me so...maybe we could go on a picnic!-as a thank you!-I could make us lunch."  I finally finished my proposal but started blushing.  I'd be pretty embarrassed if he said "no."

     Link looked at (Y/n) with big, surprised eyes and a horrendous blush.  The girl he admired invited him to a hand-made lunch picnic.  He knew it wasn't one but...it felt like a date. 

     "H-Hello?"  Came (Y/n)'s voice.  He realized he had taken a long time to answer so, as fast as he could, he nodded with a great amount of enthusiasm and a big smile.  She smiled back at his response.

     "Great!  I'll meet you at the meadow tomorrow at noon!-If that's alright!"  She proclaimed, adding a rush of consideration at the end. 

     She turned and left while waving Link goodbye and disappeared into her house.

     While Link was left dazed in the dust.  He wobbled in the direction of his house and waltzed home as if walking on clouds, his mind in a love-induced haze for the rest of the evening.


     Early the next morning both Link and (Y/n) were scrambling throughout their houses to prepare for the much anticipated lunch picnic. 

     "Where's a basket?!"


     After seeing that it was almost noon they scrambled to the door.  They heaved a deep breath to relax and made their way to their 'date'.

     Link arrived first and immediately started psyching himself out about making a good impression.  He was pacing back-and-forth wit anxiety but halted when he heard the bristling of the tall grass.  She was here!

     "Hi!"  (Y/n) called as she waved.  She walked over to Link and the two of them shared a shy smile and matched blossoming cheeks.  "U-Um, should we set up over here?"  She asked, pointing to the perfect spot that wasn't too breezy or too hot. 

     Link nodded eagerly.  But before she took another step he offered to carry the basket for her.


     Quite a bit of time had passed and the food was all gone but the two had stayed all day, enjoying each other's company. 

     "Oh, look!"  (Y/n) chirped.  "What a pretty sunset!"

     As (Y/n) marveled at the sky, Link was marveling at her.  He looked away nervously as he thought about the incredible girl he finally got to spend time with. 

     "...!!!"  He was shocked out of his thoughts as he felt something petit and soft gently hold his hand.

     His red face bolted to (Y/n) in shock.  She was smiling so sweetly at him.  "Link?  Do you think we could do this again some time?"  She shyly asked.  His face lit up with the biggest smile he's ever had and nodded.

     The two smiled and watched the sunset, thinking of their next 'date'.

Various Video Game Characters  x Reader  {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now