(Harvest Moon: Animal Parade) Chase x Reader

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Hearing the birds chirping and feeling the warm rays of early sun, you expected to welcome the morning like every other. The smell of your husband cooking you breakfast and a packed lunch for the day. Normally this was enough to have you jumping out of bed but today...

"*COUGH COUGH!!*" you let out your body's cry of distress and rolled over to face the wall. The brightness from the sun and clanging of pots and pans caused you to retreat to the darkest corner of the bed and hide your head under the pillow.

The next sound heard after the frail cough was the clatter of metal as Chase immediately set his cooking aside and approach the shivering lump in the bed.

"(Y/n)?" He called. His eyebrows furrowed almost impatiently as he was eager to figure what's going on. He was keeping his cool for now but that cough did set him a little bit on edge, though he'd never admit it.

A cute little head riddled with exhaustion and a nice coating of a pink flush meekly poked it's way out of the covers. "Ch...Chase..." You could barley squeak out your husband's name.

Chase's eyes widened and his features softened but he put on a parental act as he spoke. "You're not faking sick are you?" He was secretly hoping that was the case. The idea of you actually becoming ill made his stomach drop.

You let your eyes shut and head lean into the cool material of the pillowcase. "I-I don't feel too good." And that was all your 'cool' husband needed to hear.

Chase nervously approached you and placed the back of his hand on your forehead. "!!!" He was shocked at how hot your temperature was and, if you had been looking, you could see the panic on his face. He suddenly felt bad about accusing you of faking even if he didn't mean it but now he had to do something more important.

He got off the bed and walked back to the kitchen. "*Sigh*..." He started voicing his worries quietly to himself. "I told you not to be careless...now you're sick." He mumbled as he got out some medicine and one of his recipes and started cooking up some rice porridge.

...he looked over to you with a sad look. "...you better get well soon..."


An hour had gone by and after Chase had gotten some medicine in you and something cool for your head, you had gotten to the point of sitting up. So here he was. Sitting on the bed. Hand-feeding his wife with a blush of his own.

"Chaaase~" you cheered with red cheeks and a big smile. You were more than a little delirious from your fever but at least you seemed to be a little better.

"S-Stop talking and eat." He grumbled and blushed as he shoved some porridge into your mouth. After pulling the spoon out, he sighed and placed his hand on his head. "This is going to be a long day."

     "I feel like a chicken."  You mumble, remembering how you used to hand-feed your little chicks.  "..."  Then you remembered "My Chickens!"  You hollered and faced Chase with big teary eyes.  "I have to go feed my chickens! A-And milk the cows!  And water the crops!" 

     You started crawling out of bed but you were pushed back down and tucked in tight so you wouldn't move.  "No you don't.  Stay put, you need to get better."

      "Mmm~" you whimpered "m-my farm..."

     Chase scratched the back of his head and looked away with a blush.  "I can do that stuff...  You can rely on me more, you know.  Than you wouldn't get sick."

Your sad face lit up a little. "Okay." You closed your eyes and snuggled into your blankets. "I trust you." You whispered before falling asleep.

Chase sighed and grabbed the things you usually take for caring for the ranch. Before he reached the door, he went back to your side and moved some hair off of your forehead. "Chuu~" He leaned in and pecked you sweetly on the head before rushing out the door.

Various Video Game Characters  x Reader  {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now