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I announced the plan to meet the people of Coruscant at Cloud City. Some chose to stay behind while others chose to fight with us. I talked to Poe over a private station, "Poe, what happens if I run out of chances."

There was a pause, "I will make sure that doesn't happen."

I focused on my breathing, "But how."

"After the battle of Cloud City, there will be hope. Both Rey, you, and I will be able to take on Ben and finally finish his reign of power. Once we defeat him, I'm guessing you will continue on to help run the resistance or Coruscant."

"But what about us?"

I could hear a hint of happiness, "No matter where you go, I will follow you. I will protect you."

I smiled to myself, "That sounds like a plan, we have to make a jump to hyperspace. I'll see you there."

I waited in boredom for us to enter Bespin and take Cloud City. Cloud City was once a free political city but there was always a rise in enemy activity. Taking Cloud City would be a huge step. When I entered the atmosphere I gaped in awe at the floating buildings and then I called to the people of Coruscant, "This is Aayla Solo, is anyone there."

"Miss Solo." Spoke a metallic voice over the comms and I froze, Ben.

"What did you do to them?" I spoke frantically.

"Fortunate for you, I have only found around a hundred out of the thousand people you round up. Unfortunately for you, they're all dead." I looked at the building and saw out of my corner visions the resistance entering.

I had to make a harsh decision, if my brother was in the large building that stood on ancient foundation then I would have to destroy it. I went back to the resistance base, "Evacuate everyone you can then destroy the city."

There was a pause and my mother responded, "It's a hard decision, but I agree."

First Order pilots entered the system and I sped next to Poe's ship, "Ready for some fun?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I heard.

We shot down as many fighters as we could and I would glance every now and then to see the ship pads to see people pouring out of the building. Thirty minutes later when the last ship evacuated I paused and then spoke to the resistance, "Destroy it."

I watched fighters shoot at the building's base and it started to tip until it fell out of the sky. I watched a small black ship emerge from the clouds and I knew almost immediately who's it was. "Focus all fire on that ship!"

All the available pilots chased it with me in front. I locked a missile and shot only for it to go left of me and hit a large ship. I gasped a little and slowed as the others pursuited the ship, "IS everyone okay?" I spoke into my com and saw a few people fall from the ships hole dead from impact. I felt my heart wrench as a woman I knew so much fell from the hole, my mother. My eyes filled with tears and I screamed watching her fall to her death. I turned my ship around and went on the public coms, "You murdered our mother!" I screamed.

"Wha-" His ship slowed and I shot at it, the wing being damaged. "You killed our father, you killed our mother, heck you even killed me. Any last words?"

My missile locked on his ship, ready to be shot and then I heard his words. "I'm sorry." They were simple but then I saw him speed up and when he did, he hit a building straight through its core. He had just killed himself. I slowed my ship and while people cheered over the comms I cried to myself.

"What now, General?" Spoke a voice.

"Coruscant, we can re-establish the government. All of the resistance, live there."

And so that's what we did. I lived my days regretting almost every decision I made in the past, ultimately blaming myself for my family's death but with death came life. I married Poe on the anniversary of our victory. His power grew stronger everyday and while Rey and he traveled the galaxy for new apprentices, I trained my own little ones at home when I could. Most of the time chewy had to babysit for me though. I had a young boy first who after a long conversation we named Anakin Han Dameron. Our second child was a girl named Shara Leia Dameron. They evidently were force users from the day they were born with was hell to deal with.

Every time either Poe or I came home from our long days of either political arguments or training with padawans, we always had time for each other, even if it was only a few hours before we both fell asleep from long hours of work. I made sure not to neglect or force any of our children onto jobs I knew they didn't want. Anakin wanted to continue the force like his many ancestors while I knew Shara wanted to be a pilot like her many ancestors.

The only bad thing is that peace never lasts however, and there will always be a new threat from power hungry dictators.


Let me say, I myself am not pleased with my ending but this book was starting to become a chore and I knew I had to finish it sooner or later. I know a lot of it doesn't make sense and I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not all caught up to war. Thank you for reading, and may the force be with you.

P.S. I HOPE Poe get some force powers and (please) lives in the rise of skywalker lolol.....

December 30, 2019 (^ also no spoilers but I'm mad at The Rise of Skywalker lmao)

I just want to say thank you all so much for reading this book. My computer broke and when I went through a rough patch I couldn't turn to writing, therefore I lost my will to write. 10k is a goal I never thought I would reach and seeing so many notifications has inspired me and helped me learn the joys of writing again.

Much Love,
-Logan :D

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