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"You've got to face this head on, you can't hide from it behind a cloud of smoke.
That's exactly where it wants you.
Scared, alone, and feeling sorry for yourself.
If you want this all to end you have to fight your way out.
It's not just going to go away."

"You have to learn to love yourself.
Realize that you have good qualities in you.
Even if not everyone sees it.
What's important is that you see it.
You're in a storm right now and the devil wants you to believe the storm will kill you.
But I'm telling you it won't.
People like us don't get to just survive a hard time, we have to fight through it.
You've got to give this negative energy a face, imagine it over your shoulder every time you feel bad.
This way you can also imagine yourself turning around and punching its teeth in."

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