Squeeze a lemon
and you get lemonjuice
But squeeze it too tight
and you'll get it in your eyes
Making you see nothing
Hold sand tight
and you won't loose it
Hold it too tight
and it will slip away
through your fingers
back on the ground
where it belongs
Hold a feather tight
and you won't lose it
Let it balance on your finger
And it won't fly away
But keep it too close
and you'll lose itin the mess in your head
Just like everything else
Just like everything else you've already lost in there~Monday, 27th of May, 2019 14:05 / 2:05 p.m.
A Broken Love Novel » Poetry & Quotes
PuisiPoems, Quotes, Short Stories. Everything written in the book belongs to me. Naomi. Unless mentioned otherwise. I mostly write these from own experiences, thoughts or ideas. Feel free to share or use the texts, as long as you properly give me credit...