Chapter 6

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I found myself, for the next week or so, cooped up either outside the headteacher's office or in the library completing work that I had been given since I was ordered out of lessons. The library for me was usually something to make me optimistic- I mean, who wouldn't want to be in a room with a seemingly endless supply of books?!- but this time it just made me depressed as I stared at my completed work and twiddled my pen. The Year Sevens abused their instructions and spent their reading lessons playing 40-40 It behind the bookshelves. Some commented on my work ("Woah, that looks hard!") or asked me jokingly to be best friends.

I fished my book out of my bag. It was What Katy Did and an old favourite of mine I'd read 80,000 times, but today I was too absent minded to read it. My mind kept wandering, what if I hadn't climbed over the gate, what jf Melanie hadn't transferred from London in year 5...

Oh yeah, about that last one, you may not have known that. Well, Melanie moved from a London junior school in year 5 and as soon as she enterered the class it became my goal to make a new friend.

"Hello," my nine year old self had introduced. "My name's Lavender. Want to be friends?"

"Yes," she replied, unhesitant.

I wished it was as simple as that to make friends now. We were inseparable as our friendship slipped into best friendship. We had private jokes, handshakes, and Whatsapp groups- sorry class but "I can't be your partner because Melanie is my best friend so I have to be with her."

I must have been one annoying 9/10 year old. Melanie and I were glued at the hip, basically, until the start of year seven. That's when she changed. Melanie happened to be pretty, versus me. Popular girls are pretty. Technically popular boys are too. They are programmed to notice the pretty girls, and suck them into the empty void of popularness and poutiness, and then they become bleached blonde and mindless as if it was a special ritual they had to go through. Melanie already was bleached blonde and mindless, so that's why she got spotted. Amelia-Mae and Penelope noticed this, obviously, and came to talk to her. I earwigged but was too engrossed in my book to really notice.

After that day, Melanie tried to suck me into the clique with her. But it didn't work. I had to constantly ask for reassurance that we were still best friends. And she said yes, but each time it became more tired and strained...until they stopped completely. Melanie was popular. I had lost my best friend.

That's why when I was outside the heads office that day, she was the last person I expected to see. Her mascara ran down her face and she was clutching a mirror in a desperate attempt to re-do her thick layer of mascara.

"What do you want, Melanie?" I sighed. "Let me guess- you got less than a hundred likes on a selfie?"

"No," she wept. "I came to tell you."

"That I'm a retard?" I guessed easily. "Well guess what Melanie, I have had enoug-"

"Not that, either," then she looked me right in the eye and said. "We need to go. Our parents have been in a car crash."

That's when my whole world came tumbling down.




Plot twist I'm so sad from feels :(((

Anyway if you are popular you are probably really nice sorry for being stereotypical here! By the way, the GIF is supposed to be Melanie if you were wondering!

It would make my day if you



Or even followed me?!

But it's made my day anyway because you've read my story :)


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