Kenny is distraught

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After a while, Sam woke up. "Ug- KENNY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sam shouted at the poor unsuspecting Kenny. Kenny woke up with a distant taste of banana in his mouth and something shove down his throat. He took it out to show that it was something long and felt like plastic. "Wha- WAIT WHAT THE HELL!?" Kenny shouted out.

Kenny was confused, he was last at the pool and now he is in a white room. He looks up to find a naked and angry Sam. "What happened? Why are you angry!?" he asked. Sam showed a puzzled look then told Kenny to feel that plastic. He then realised that when he was knocked out, he was blowing off Sam the entire time. Confused, he unties Sam. Of course, Sam pins him down and assaults little Kenny. "Sam, I swear on my life that I was unconcious the entire time, I promise, I mean, I only remember you falling off the pool. Somebody knocked me out and must've placed me in this position, I promise!"

"Your lies don't work on me rapist! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR TAKING MY VIRGINITY!" Sam shouted. He puts on his shorts then tries looking for a door to this white room. However, he cannot find anything and looks puzzled. He finds a button which reveals a TV. The TV said to look for a white tape in the white room. 

"Hey Kenny. Why don't you look for this tape since YOU RAPED ME!" He shouted at little Kenny.  Of course, he's tied up and crying. "I-It w-wasn't m-me" He sobbed. Kenny then went up and ran through the room, revealing an exit. Of course, Sam feels pretty cruel so he unties Kenny.

"Fine, I'll let you go. But you are no longer my friend, you bastard!" Kenny's heart broke...                 He ran to his bed and cried. His tears ran down his cheek as he just lost his best friend. He decided to watch some YouTube to cope with the pain but of course, he is still crying. He decides to play some games but that didn't do anything.

As with Sam, he went to his room and put on his overalls. Angry and sad, he's just lost his best friend. He goes to Gru's house and decided to stay quiet. He was tall and strong, so when the short douchebag minion told Sam he was a pussy and that he probably fucked his mum or something. Sam then beat up the minion and throw him across the factory. He sits down and wonders. "Who is gonna be my new friend and not rape me like that sack of shit. Oh wait! Bob? Nah he's pretty sad. Kevin? Nah he's too adventourous. Who can I go to?" He wonders...

Kenny then ran out his room, with some footage he found that can change everything around...

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