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I felt the warm breeze as we stepped outside the airport. Here I was again; in the place I once called my home, a place of struggles and hardships. This is where my accident took place, this country, my country, the Philippines.

I studied carefully my surroundings. Nothing has changed, it was still hot, the people were still chaotic and also in a hurry, smoke was coming out of the cars. I saw a group of people welcome their loved one who came home from a very far place. Some were crying and some were smiling.

"Red, are you okay?" I looked at the man beside me. It was hard to see with the sunlight reflecting and glaring at me. I covered the sunlight using my hand and nodded my head. "You sure? Can you breathe properly?"

Overprotective as he can be. That's Cristoff for all of you. "I'm fine, Cris." I gave him a reassuring smile and held his hand. "C'mon. Kuya must be waiting for us at the entrance."

We walked to the entrance pulling our bags and Cristoff carrying Mia. My sweet Mia. How lucky I am to have someone like Cristoff and Mia in my life. They are what keep me going, they are my inspiration, and they were the reason I was able to start a new life from scratch.

After the incident, a lot has happened. I had episodes and attacks which made it hard for Cristoff. There would be times when he would leave when he can't it anymore. I don't blame him for acting that way. I felt pity for him. But when Mia came, he became a totally new person. It's like Mia changed both our lives.

"Red," I couldn't help but smile when I saw Kuya Realm. It's been 8 years since I last him. 8 long years have passed. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too, Kuya. A lot." I hugged him tight and he did the same. After the long period of hugging, we let go of each other. I saw a young woman walk towards us. It was Ate Crey. I know her because I've seen her when Kuya and I talk on the phone via video call. "Ate Crey~" I ran towards her and hugged her, too.

"Hey, Red. Kamusta ka?" She asked. I lived in England for 8 years but that doesn't mean I have forgotten my mother tongue. I can still speak and understand Tagalog, I'm just not accustomed with it yet. I let go of Ate Crey's hug. She caressed my hair and smiled at me. "Wow, you've grown into a fine young lady."

I smiled back at Ate Crey. "I'm still young at heart, though, Ate." We both chuckled. "Anyway," I turned to look at Cristoff and Kuya. "I think we should get going. This heat is going to kill me."

We drove home and while on the road, my eyes dropped.

Home, at last.

I got down of the car and stared at our house. I know a lot has happened here that I had forgotten, and want to remember. That is my mission. I have to remember and recover my memories. I have been living in the present with my past forgotten and it made me feel incomplete. Now, I am here to complete my life, to retrieve the missing pieces.

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