Chapter 1: You in ?

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Hey dudes here is the first chapter. Enjoy. DREAM500 OUUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



        I am hanging with Zayn in our flat when I hear a ring. I stand up and go to the door and open up to see none other then Louis and Harry. 

" Vas happenin guys ?" I just laugh at how Zayn will go from serious to goofy in an instant. 

        We sit on the couch trying to decide a movie for movie night. Louis and Harry end up winning so now we have to watch The Notebook. Sometimes I regret setting these two up.

        We put the movie in and half way through it Louis and Harry excuse themselves to the guest room. Not late after we hear the unmistakible moans of the two. Me and Zayn try to ignore it ,but when it gets louder me and Zayn decide to go out. We leave a note on the counter and head to the pub.

        Me and Zayn get to the pub and walk in to stat our night off. We head to the counter and start drowning ourselves in Tequila. An hour later me and Zayn have found ourselves in my bed getting it on. He gently kisses my neck as I moan out his name tired of waiting.

        Now things begin. He starts to unzip my pants as I unzip his. We pull off our shirts and then we realize what we're doing pulling apart for a moment. 

"This doesn't have to be bad." I just look at him in confusion. How can this not be bad?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!???

"I know what your thinking this could ruin our friendship, but we could always be......... friends with benefits?"I smile at this and we start up again giving each other little pecks then going all the way in an instance. 

        He is going faster and harder then suddenl we both come all over and then we rest together on each others chests and fall asleep.

Next Morning...


        I wake up to a cheeky irishmen in my bed all curled up in my blankets. I place a tiny kiss on his nose and go to the kitchen to start breakfast. To be honest I've always had a crush on Niall. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. I've known Niall since we were toddlers. Liking him would ruin it all. 

        I cook up some pancakes, bacon, sausages, toast, eggs and squeeze some OJ. Of course I made enough to satisfy Niall's appetite. I am squeezing the rest of the juice when I am hugged from behind. Niall leaving little kisses on my neck up to my lips.

        We hear Louis and Harry coming from the hallway and we seperate as their walking in.

"Vas happenin lads. Shall we eat. We need to be at the studio by noon." They all agree thankfully not being suspicious. 


        I open my eyes and see that I'm in the guest room of Zayn and Niall's flat. Harry is still sleeping so I take this opportunity to see what everyone does when we're asleep. I go to the closet where Zayn keeps his security monitors and look at them. Zayn is in the kitchen cooking.

        I feel Harry come up from behind and put my attention back to the monitor. Then we see Niall go into the kitchen and he does something surprising. Me and Harry gasp as Niall starts to kiss Zayns neck. 

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