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        Everyone... a moment of silence please. I can't believe it myself. This gorgeous man that kept me from running away and kept me from losing myself. He left us. He FUCKING LEFT US!!!!! I don't know if it will ever be ok again. He was some of my greatest inspiration for stories and now I can't say his name without breaking down. Please someone let me know I'm not alone. 

        He was such an amaZAYN person and now.... now I can't even hear his voice without crying. He was apart of something amazing and now what. He left us. He will be the cause of sooo much pain and we just have to sit here and feel that pain. If people cut for Justin imagine what will happen now. I only hope maybe a miracle can work a way into his heart and make him reconsider. But if this is it I only hope he finds what he's looking for and that he still thinks of us fans every now and then. 

        I have never had more trouble writing something than I do right now. Everything is crumbling. He kept me here on earth and the moment I heard he left I could already feel my feet coming off the ground. The only thing keeping me here is the other four amazing boys that made their ways into my heart aswell. I still can't believe it. I wish we could go back to 2010 when they were just formed and just relive all the good days. Why god why? Take away a perfect angel from us. 

        I can't thank him enough for the joy he has given me. I love Zayn Malik. I only hope he loves us all back. 

                                                                                                                                        - Dream500

Perfection Isn't Real- A Ziall storyWhere stories live. Discover now