Chapter 6: The Great and Terrible Storm

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Hey guys soryy for the lack of updates. Working on it. Enjoy 



        I was laying on the couch just getting home from the hospital when all of a sudden the ground started to shake. What, an earthquake? I ran upstairs and retrieved Carter before running downstairs and heading to the cellar. I ran downstairs and unlocked to reveal my pimped out cellar. Yeah not all cellars are nasty. Mine was all decked out and shit. Even has wifi up in here. Wow I sound so American. 

        I sat down Carter and went over to my computer and went to Skype so I could see Niall. I pressed call and he picked up instantly. 

        " Zayn are you OK. Is everyone OK there. " I watched as he sat in a dim lit room looking scared as shit.

        "  Niall we are fine. The important thing is that you are safe so you don't get anymore injured than you already are. Remember I want you home, not in heaven. " I hear him sniffle and I look at him closely. 

        I think to myself as to why he would be crying ir sad. I know more than i should know about his life. Oh wait I know now. Oh my poor Nialler.

        " Niall baby are you thinking bout that night when we were touring in Alaska. Baby it wasn't your fault ok. He was doing his job and he will always be with us." Niall just cried and said I'm sorry. That night has never been forgotten. Like as if it were today.

        FLASHBACK: Narrotator  

        It was 12:37 p.m in Alaska and the boys were fast asleep. Well except Niall and Zayn. They were outside looking at the stars from a near by cliff. Zayn was smoking, but Niall didn't mind. They were close to the edge and when your at a edge you have to do the Titanic scene.

        Niall had Zayn in his arms while Zayn had his arms spread out. All of a sudden the ground started to shake. The boys were now falling and while Zayn had fallen on the ground Niall was hanging on the cliff. Zayn may be strong, but Niall was stronger which made it harder to pull him up. He then heard footsteps from behind him.

        Out of the darkness came their 2nd body guard Bobby. He grabbed Zayn and set him to the side a few 10-20 feet away before rushing to Niall's aid. He pulled Niall up and Niall ran for his life. All of a sudden the cliff broke under Bobby and down he went. After that the earthquake the boys rushed down to the bottom of the cliff. Niall was the first to spot Bobby's dead body. He cried into Zayn's shoulder screaming why.

        " Zayn it's my fault he is gone. I shoudln't have been out here. I should have been inside instead. Bobby wouldn't be dead. " Zayn just stared at Bobby and then dragged Niall tot he tour bus in order to tell the others.

        That day was never forgotten and Niall wouldn't let it be. He set up the funeral and declared him a hero. He had a plaque mad for Bobb'y s family and the tour bus. The whole 1D crew had a moment of silence, but Niall will never forget what Bobby did for him. 

        Back to present: Zayn

        It's hard to remember that. I hope Ni will be ok. My poor baby, he knows that he didn't do anything. He is just sad at how Bobby went in a earthquake. Niall was so petrified. I never left his side though. I looked at Niall, it was a couple hours later. I kept him company, but now Niall was fast asleep. I ended the call and sat down with Carter. I heard a knock on the doors and I opened up to Vici.

        " Are you guys ok? I felt the earthquake and as soon as it ended I rushed home." I went to hug her while she marveled at Carter.

        I walked away and left a note while I got in my car and headed to the hospital to make sure Niall was OK. I rushed inside and saw everyone was slowly headed back to their rooms. I rushed to Nialls and saw he was already there. He looked at me before he started worrying.

        " Are you ok? Is the baby ok? Zayn I was so worried. I don't want to be away from you any longer. Ask the doctors when I go home." I nodded as I went into the hall asking for a doctor.

        They tell me that Niall should be carefula t home and they say we are free to go. I go to Niall's room and tell him he was so excited. All of a sudden our phones both went off. I picked up to find Liam at the other end.

        " Mates we have arrived at your house, but your not here and we found the door open and we entered and found this girl on the ground. She's she's she's dead. Guys come home now. We called the police, but they need you here. NOW !!! " I ended my call and Niall told me Louis called him.

        We rushed home to find policemen at our door. We entered the house and found them searching everywhere. I sent Niall to our room after making sure they already checked it. I went to talk to the policemen and they told me that Vici's ex husband killed her and made off with Carter. I became angry. Furious. ENRAGED !!!         

        I ran outside and went to the backyard to punch my punching bag. It was when Liam tapped my shoulder I noticed how late it was now. The policemen had left and the other boys were asleep. I pulled my shirt back on and headed to my room to find Niall asleep like he was before. With all comotion going on I almmost fogot there is a baby inside me.

        I walked to the mirror and looked at myself. I lifted my shirt and saw a faint very faint bulge. I layed my hand on my stomach and was surprised when Niall said.

        " It's going to be a hell of a ride now huh? " Only Niall


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