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I wake up to a bright room cuddling Jimin while Klaira was doing her makeup in the mirror. I look over at her and she sees me in the mirror and turns around and walks over to me and smiles as she sits down in the chair and I give her a small smile.

"I'm going." I say and she scoffs and I look at her with a blank stare.

"You're not going Amara you can barely stand." She says and I point to crutches in the corner and she sighs.

"Hold on." She says and walks out the room and I look up at Jimin and smile. I lay my head back on his chest and his arm around me tightens a bit and I lightly place my hand on his chest.

"The doctor said you're able to go but you need to have crutches." Klaira says coming back in to the room and I nod and she starts to gather her things and Jimin's.

"Namjoon is here, he'll drop us off at the hotel and take us to the convention center." Klaira says and I nod and a nurse comes in and gives me medicine before waking Jimin up and helping me to my crutches.


"How are you feeling?" Namjoon asks as he drives

"I'm fine, just need to be there for my team." I sigh and he nods and Jimin lays against me and falls back asleep and I place my hand on his thigh and he slightly curls into me.

"Is it like an awards place?" Namjoon asks and I nod.

"Yes and I just feel bad for not being there with them." I say and Klaira sighs and looks back at me from the passenger's seat. 

"And we can get there." She says and I smile with a nod.

"Can we come to?" Namjoon asks and I nod.

"Yeah, it's open with guests as well." Klaira says and he pulls into the parking lot and pulls his mask on.

"Wake up Jimin." I whisper

Jimin groans quiets and slowly sits up. I unbuckle my seat belt and he does the same and pulls his mask up. We head to my hotel room and the two guys sit on my bed while I take a shower and Klaira does her makeup in my room so she can help me out the shower when I was done. I hear Namjoon say him and Jimin went to get dressed for the occasion and I shout an okay before continuing.


I sat in the chair and let Klaira do my makeup. I was in my dress and I was actually more comfortable than I expected. I sigh and she stops temporarily before doing my eyeshadow. 

"What's wrong pumpkin?" She asks and I keep my eyes closed as I feel her putting the shadow on.

"What if I don't look good in this." I say and she smacks her teeth and moves to my other eye.

"You look stunning and this makeup is making you slay." Klaira says and she moves to my full face.

"Do you think Jimin will like it?" I ask and she hums.

"I know he'll love it...but you're not wearing this for him or Namjoon or me...it's for the awards ceremony." She says and I look at her.

"I know. Hey are my contacts still in the bathroom?' I ask and she looks around before getting up and going into the bathroom. I hear shuffling and she comes back and places my contacts box on the shelf next to me.

"Thank." I say and she nods.


I finish getting ready by putting my contacts in and I bump my hair. I take a deep breath and I put a silver necklace on and I put diamond earrings on. I had my back to the door as Klaira was taking my pictures. I was leaning against a vanity so I didn't put any weight on my ankle. I get a text from my setter saying that they were heading downstairs and I tell Klaira. There was knocking at the door and I was about to get it when Klaira heads to the door, lifting her black gown up and opening the door.

"You look stunning." I hear Namjoon say and since I take a deep breath and turn around and saw Namjoon in an all black suit talking to Klaira. Jimin walks in a red and black suit and we make eye contact.

"Wow." He says as he walks up to me, catching Namjoon's attention.

"How do I look?" I ask and he looks me up and down and just smiles.


"Very..beautiful." Namjoon adds on and I smile.

"Thanks guys."

We head to the awards ceremony and once we get there we find our seats and sit down. I sat with my team while Klaira, Namjoon and Jimin sat a couple rows behind me. I set my hands on my lap as my libero places her arm behind my seat as other teams from other rankings were given their awards. Then it became our ranking. We all sit up straight and steady our breathing as the host starts from third place and works his way up.

"And now for first place, this team had worked their hardest and they fought their hardest. On game point they made a hard decision and it cost them a great winning for a great injury. The dedication was strong and they fought to the very end. This award goes to the Lady Vikings." The hosts says and the whole room erupted as we stand up. My coach helps me to the stage and I lean against the podium as he took the huge award. He hands me the award and places his arm around me to hold me up as we took pictures.

"Uh, hello." I hear my setter say into the microphone and I look over to her and saw my team stand by her.

"I'd just want to give a thank you to the greatest Captain ever. Amara Moore. She has been by our sides since day one. Never has she yelled at to hurt us, separated herself from us, discouraged us or let us go on without checking up on us. She is like our older sister and through the hardships that she has, she has never taken anything out on us. She is the sunshine on our team and she is the one who made game point and took the injury of a fractured ankle." She says and I hear the crowd 'ooo' and I smile and feel tears well in my eyes.

"You could have stayed in the hospital bed and been sad and stuck on your injury...but you came out here because you were wanting to be with the team. We couldn't have asked for a better Captain. We put our moneys together and we got you a trophy of your own to show how much we love and appreciate you." The setter says and I feel tears fall as the host brings out a silver trophy of a hitter with my name on it.

My team gives me a group hug as everyone in the room starts to clap as I try to keep from my makeup being ruined. We make our way back to our seats and we wait till the ceremony was over. Once it was over many other players came up to me and congratulated me. Jimin and Namjoon walk over to me and they both hug me and Jimin kisses my cheek since we were now the same height. I smile at him and my team walks over to me and they meet both Jimin and Namjoon. They didn't make a scene knowing it took the two of them a lot to come out with no security or no disguise. We all took pictures and head out to the party at the hotel that all the teams were going to.


"Amara." Jimin says as I sat next to him at the table.

"Yes?" I ask as we watch everyone else dance, including Namjoon who was dancing with Klaira.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Your career. I don't want to distract you from it." I say and he gives a small frown and I grab his hand.

"I work so well with you by my side. I want nothing more than for you to be my girlfriend, you won't be a distraction." He says and I caress his hand with my thumb and move my hair behind my shoulder.

"Promise? I don't want to take your focus away. If I notice I am-"

"I promise." He laughs and I smile.

"Ask me again."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


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