Welcome to shield

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(Sorry my last 2 chapter we're long.....and i guess that's it on with the show)

As hela wakes up she sees she's in here room back in Asgard but then she remembers what happened yesterday day felling sad she remembers what her papa says she holds the necklace in her tiny hands. It starts giving off a green glow and she feels like she home climbing out of her big bed she goes over to her chest and pulls out a sky blue dress with gold designs. And white lace around the edges the dress reaches the floor and the sleeves come little ways over her hands she grabs a pair of gold flats she sits in front of her dresser.

~Knock knock~ "come in" hela says as Steve pokes his head in her room "Good Morning hela" Steve says " captain can you help me with my hair " "sure but you don't know how to do your hair " captain ask coming up behind her picking up her green hair brush and brushing her hair out of her face "no daddy normally does it for me" "really?" "Yep" 'OK how does your papa do your hair" "well" she say with deep thought "he puts it in a fish tail braid ". 'OK than fish tail braid it is' Steve says with a bright smile once he's done with the fish tail braid "are you hungry Hela' Steve ask heading to the door to get something to eat "yea" "well than come on" he says as they walk out the door down to the food court.

As their walk agents are walking by look at hela with deep internist "why is everyone look at me" hela ask with concern "i don't know hela" he replied "captain Rogers " nick says in his ear piece "yes sir" 'bring hela to the sky deck" "yes sir".

On the sky deck

"Hello Hela" nick fury said Turing to her "I want you to meet a few people refuring to a man and 3 lady's. Behind him this is "Agent colson" he says point to a man in a suite with short brown hair combed down. "Agent hill" a lady in a spandex suit with her hair in a tight bun. "Darcy " a woman with long dark hair combing out of her hat with glasses and. "Jane" hela exclaims "Uncle Thor talks about her all the time" she says walk over to Jane and Darcy "your much prettier in person.....i can see why uncle Thor likes you" she says look up Jane with nothing but pure happiness. Causing Jane to blush "Umm uncle Thor" Jane ask getting eye level with hela " And he's my uncle" "well if he's your your father is...".

"LOKI" Darcy yells "your Loki's daughter i cant believe i didn't notice this sooner you look just like him" she says sitting on the floor next to the girl " so do you have his powers" Darcy ask with amusement " yea" "cool can you show me something" "sure" hela says putting a little though in what to do she does what she does best shape shifting closing her eyes and concentrating just like her papa told he a Light green light surround her and she turns into a little black wolf. "Wow that was awesome" Darcy said while picking her up. And holding her near her face " Jane she's even more adorable than before look at her you can't so no that face " while holding her near Jane's face a light surround her and she changed back to normal setting her down "that was awesome hela i wish i could do that" the say. A loud growl sets out throw the sky deck all looking at Steve "what i haven't eaten yet" he says with a bashful smile "yea me too, lets go eat" hela says walking out the door with Steve.

At the food court

" would you like to eat hela" "Hmmm pancakes with strawberries " "please" she ask as she sits at a table while Steve goes to get their food someone sits at a table. She look up to see Clint Barton look at her with disgust "hello" hela says trying to be nice ' shut it...every one else might be buying the cute little girl act but i can see past you lies witch. Your just like your father aren't you ,bent on destruction " he says with a snear "no he's changed" she trys to defend him "people like him don't change he's always going to be a monster a cold blooded heartless monster and your just like him" he says.

Having snap at the mean words he said about her dad , blue lighting started to dance on her fingers which turned into a blue ball that she hurled at Clint throwing him across the cafe. Into a wall leaving a huge dent "he's changed you heart less monster" she screams catching the attention of everyone in the cafe before she runs out of the cafe.

Steve pov

As i turn to walk back with the food i got for me and hela i see Clint talking to her just before she throws a blue light at him throwing him into the wall in the other side of the cafe leaving a huge dent before screaming and running out. Dropping our food i run over to Clint finding that he's knocked out " i wonder what happened " i say out loud be running out the door to find hela. Thinking "i hope she's o.k. "

(Wow so 2 thing Collison is back....oh and Clint's an asshole but i think the story needed it and sorry this was really long...... oh and I'm bring frigga in to spend a day with her. See ya)

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