Loneliness and assassinations

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"Lucky bastard..." Ritsuo stated through clenched teeth, grinding them in anger while Ayame sat to his right, wings tucked behind her in rest, body rested on her knees on the floor. She only knew violence, quiet in her mind and soul, ears waiting on the next order. She remembered nothing from minute to minute, but the order to kill from Ritsuo. A heavy-set dragon demon, currently in human form, a half-eaten leg quarter of some animal or demon bone held loosely in his hand while he sat on his throne. The cave, settled in the far East, which they lived and ate was enormous, with tunnels dug through-out for separate rooms for his minions, who were all at this moment in an uproar fighting over the last of the carcass that was their dinner meal. "I suppose there was nothing you could do, with the coward disappearing into thin air Ayame, you will be spared punishment from your failure." He stated to her, grease dripping onto his claws and arm from the meat he held in his hand. The sconces of fire set on the walls fluttered from the opening of the cave, seeming to put menace into his statement. She didn't fear him or his words, for she didn't even fear death. She found his rumblings to be the norm in life, she knew of nothing else. Suddenly, there was a rustling to Ritsuo's left, where another dragon demon sat. Her left ear swiveled at the sound, the rest of her motionless, as if a statue.

"You don't think she let him go, because of who he is do you?" The demon asked with a sneer, obviously ready to take her out of the picture, grasping at straws to see her removed from the dragon lord's side.

"You know, for a counsel Hideo, you can be extremely stupid... She has no idea who he is. My spell has made sure of that. She is completely clueless of others, except for me and my commands..." He leaned towards her then, and snapped his fingers a few inches from her face. The action didn't even make her blink. He chuckled, making his belly lift up and down, grease dripping on his lap. He dressed in black silk with a gold obi around his thick waist, in his mind, he should be known all over, so any ostentatious clothing was not needed. With black hair and pale violet eyes, he fit the profile of an evil ruler with a dying sense of morals. Leaning back towards his subject on his left he stated, "We will go on the hunt for him tomorrow, he will not be hard to find with Ayame at my side. We will get our vengeance Hideo, starting with Sesshomaru. Once the Lord of the West is destroyed, I will seek out his bastard brother Inuyasha, and finish with his Bitch of a Mother..." Ritsuo finished the last with an evil grin, thinking of what he would do with Inu Kimi in his claws. Hideo shrunk back from his Lord's smirk, even he had enough empathy to feel sorry for the plans he had made for the Lord of the West's mother, if he let her live after he was done, she would surely wish for death.

Ayame's ear swiveled back forward, done listening to the other two go on about their plans. She concentrated on everything around her, listening with black velvet ears to the bones crunching in the jaws of the lesser dragons in front of her on a lowered floor, fights and screeches let out as claws ripped the flesh of others in a bid for more food. She closed her eyes, waiting on the blackness of a dreamless sleep to over-take her, getting rest for the orders to assassinate that she knew would be given to her on the morrow.


"Mi lord, can you please tell me where we are going?" Jaken, his retainer, whined at his back for the second time that day.

Ignoring the imps whining, he ran over what Inu Kimi and him had discussed that morning before they set off into the dawn;

'We need to get her to where your Father was killed, a human village not far from the Eastern border. It's been abandoned since it burned down that night. You must find a way to lure her there without Ritsuo following...'

'Some sort of distraction?' he had asked skeptically; he wasn't one for games. He realized this the day he tried to trick Inuyasha.

'Yes, make her follow you to that place.'

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