Set in stone

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She knew somewhat of what was expected of her, anyone who traveled the wild couldn't miss the wildlife ensuring the next generation in spring...but it didn't stop her from shaking after the vows had left her mouth. He had full leave to take her, but she didn't know what to expect from him. Would he be cold and harsh, taking what was his? Or would she be surprised yet again by him... the unknown is what made her body shake with nerves.

"Easy..." he spoke to her softly, grabbing her by her upper arms gently.

With her teeth chattering she explained she'd rather just get it over with quickly.

He arched a brow at her in question, trying to find a way to calm her down, but coming up empty. The females he took in the past were eager and experienced. She was neither at the moment...

He felt if he waited, she would come to dread it. If he went through with it now, would it be pushing her? His blood screamed for action, not having had a female for some time now.

Remembering when they had first embraced and how her body reacted to him, he planned on evoking it within her again, then give her leave to take it as far as she wanted.

He moved his hands from her upper arms to the back of her skull, weaving his claws in her hair. He nibbled at her lips, until the slight pressure made her open her mouth, inviting his invasion. Taking hold of the offer she gave him, he claimed her with his mouth, making her moan and stop shaking.

Her knees turned weak as he dominated with gentleness, showing her what he wanted, but allowing her to set the pace. Feeling her weight shift on shaky legs, he reached around her lower back and pulled her to him, pinning her to his front while he obliterated her senses slowly.

She felt everything he wanted to offer, and it exhilarated her. She moved her hands from her pinned position between them to the nape of his neck, wanting him to deepen the kiss. He let a low growl escape from his throat at her touch and what she communicated to him that she wanted. He broke the kiss and placed his chin on top of her head, grabbing folds of her kimono at her back in a desperate bid to calm down enough so he could communicate the importance of her stopping him now, or she would have to go through with it. He knew he would lose control should they continue.

"Ayame, tell me to stop now, for if we continue, consider it done..." he stated over the top of her head with clenched jaws.

She moved to look him in the eyes, a haze of desire running through her expression, "Then finish it...My Lord."


He took her mouth again, feeling the silk at her back rip in his claws. Her obi came loose with the pressure, falling silently to the floor. She removed the fur over his shoulder, wanting nothing to hinder her exploring his body. Her kimono slipped open, nothing tying it into place and the cool air of his room reached her skin, raising goosebumps all over. She had never been naked in front of anyone other than female servants, and even then it made her self-conscious. He felt her teeth start to chatter, nervousness over-taking her again.

He nibbled down the side of her neck, dragging his fangs along her silky skin. He licked her almost healed wounds upon her neck, as if he wanted to claim all over again. This drew a moan of wanting from her, making his blood sing. She reached to his waist and untied the silk holding his kimono together. He caught her hand before she was successful, he was willing to take his time, but he was the alpha, first and foremost. Clenching his jaws and growling, he lifted her from her feet and walked to his bed, launching her upon the sheets. Her landing made her kimono fall off her shoulders, splaying herself open to him, breasts bouncing in invitation.

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