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Ayame strolled through the gardens alone, needing time to think about the mornings' events. After she had seen Sesshomaru in his Mother's bedroom, she had realized how much she had actually missed him, but she didn't want to leave herself open for pain either. How many females had been in her position in the past? She had to admit; he was good at putting on the charm. Ayame rested her hand on the hilt of Si'unga, now tied to her left side, her wind and fire weapons to the right. Upon Sesshomaru's insistence when he heard she would be walking alone, she donned her weapons and dressed in her armor.

As well as put the pin in her hair.

Ayame smiled to herself when she thought of his request, as small of a favor as wearing a pin, versus Sesshomaru combing the underworld, she didn't see a problem in giving in a little. Inu Kimi must have told him the night they had fought that she was wanting the sword back.

He had told her that morning that he knew how it felt to feel as if an inheritance was taken from you.

Ayame traveled outside of the palace walls, admiring the rolling green hills, dotted with forests. From where she stood, she looked over hundreds of acres of fertile land, feeling the bliss of finally being home. Raising her face to the sun, she breathed in the clean late summer air. Sesshomaru told her he would find her soon, after he took care of correspondence needed to ensure he rallied everyone he could to the West's aid. Opening her eyes to the horizon, stars danced in her vision from the sun's rays. Focusing harder, she could have sworn she saw movement far off in the distance. Taking a step forward, she tried to focus in on the far-off shapes.

Then about jumped out of her skin when she heard 'draw your sword' inches from her ear.

Claws instantly drawn in reflex, she swiped in the direction of the statement. But Sesshomaru was faster. He caught her arm before her claws came in contact with his skin.

"For the love of Kami, don't do that..." she breathed heavily, willing her heart to calm down. Whether it was from being spooked, or his proximity, she wasn't so sure.

His mask of indifference was set in place, as he examined the reach of her arm.

Bringing his focus back to her face, he released her arm, which she dropped to her side.

"Draw Si'unga." He repeated.

Ayame had yet to find out her skills with the heavy sword, as well as if she really had what it took to keep the dark demon within at bay. Ayame placed her hand on the hilt, and drew it fully. The Inu no Taisho had trained her in all types of weapons, even two-handed swords. One never knew what weapons would be available to one if a battle turned south. After drawing the blade, she positioned her hands in the proper places on the hilt, according to the blades weight, moving her dominant foot behind her, lowering her center mass.

Sesshomaru walked silently around her while she stood still in her position, forming a half-smile while he inspected her stance. He reached out with his hands, placing one hand on her left shoulder, while moving her right arm closer to her side.

"The tighter your limbs are to your body, the quicker your movements..." he whispered into her right ear. Though he was just instructing her, his hands and manner impersonal, she still felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks. As the Lord moved in front of her, he made no comment to her change in body language. He drew Tenseiga, leaving his deadly weapon sheathed at his side. He tapped the tip of his sword against hers, letting her know he was ready to spar. Nervousness took control, what if she hurt him?

Silently she shook her head no and stood straight. "I don't want to hurt you." She stated in a whisper on the wind. He picked up the soft words on the breeze, and laughed.

"I don't think you will. I've battled against that sword, in much worse circumstances..."

"What if it takes control?" she asked in a worried voice, biting her lower lip.

Momentarily distracted by the action, Sesshomaru studied Ayame, head slightly leaned to the side. "Your problem is you. Remember your training, and think of nothing else but how to best your opponent..." he barked at her, almost sounding like his father did in the past, when she picked up her first blade.

Nodding her head in understanding, she concentrated on Sesshomaru and his eyes. The movement of your enemies' eyes told everything. The trouble with this sparring was that they were taught by the same instructor.

Sesshomaru lunged first, his sword side-swiping her blade. Recovering herself, she spun and down-stroked onto the length of Tenseiga. If it wasn't for Sesshomaru being at the end of Tenseiga, the blade would have been knocked from his hands. Recovering himself quickly, he threw an upstroke, aimed for her neck. Ayame pointed Si'unga to the earth, and successfully blocked the attack, making sparks fly from both blades upon contact. Wanting to test her limits, Sesshomaru kept the contact and pushed, trying to make Ayame yield with his weight. Gritting her teeth, both their faces inches from each other, she pushed back, the blades singing from the friction. When she felt her feet shifting the dirt under her, her whole body sliding, she made a desperate bid for victory. With a sudden shove, she drove Sesshomaru back and flung his blade off hers, delivering a strike upwards. When she did, Si'unga behaved in a way neither one of them could have predicted. The blade emitted a wave of destructive flame, carving a crevice in the ground, and shooting like a fallen star across the earth several feet long.

Luckily Sesshomaru was quicker than most, for he rolled to the ground and shot back up on his feet unharmed. Ayame just stared at the destruction she caused with just a flick of the wrist, not even meaning to.

Sesshomaru looked to Ayame, pride on his face. "Did you hear any voices before Si'unga reacted?"

"No, it just, reacted when I felt you were getting the better of me..." she responded, gaze still on the shallow valley she created in the earth.

Sesshomaru walked to her side, inspecting the hand she used to wield the deadly blade. Finding nothing unusual, he backed up a few feet and tapped the end of Si'unga once again. "Again." He commanded, ready to test her to her limits.

They sparred well into the afternoon, only calling a truce when the sun started to fade into the evening. Ayame came away from the instruction with renewed appreciation for Sesshomaru's skills, realizing why he was titled 'The killing perfection'. She also came away thankful for his time. He could have stowed away in the castle, with more important things to take up his time, but decided to help her get used to Si'unga instead, making sure she had the will to keep it at bay, no matter the circumstance...

Ayame was lost in thought while they walked back to the palace in comfortable silence, not realizing Sesshomaru's silent contemplation of her.

She was a lot better at fighting than he realized, and was extremely capable of handling Si'unga much to his surprise. For one to harness its powers, they would have to be very powerful themselves, as well as unselfish.

Making it into the palace, they ascended the stairs. Upon the top landing, Ayame's room to the left, his to the right, they paused and faced each other.

"Thank you, for your instruction today. It was...a pleasant afternoon." Ayame said with thankfulness.

Keeping his face blank, he nodded in understanding.

"Good night, My Lord." She said with a smile, then turned and made her way to her room, looking forward to a bath.

Sesshomaru froze in place. She had never used his title before then. He remembered her growled response to Jaken in the past, 'he's no Lord of mine'.

Running his hand through his hair, in uncharacteristic frustration, he stalked off to his own rooms, preferably finding some sake on the way.

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