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Clover woke up and saw they had landed on another planet. "Daddy where a-" Clover was going to ask but then she realized she was alone in the Milano. The Milano was hidden on a mountain side that overlooked a city from what Clover could see through the window.
She noticed a note in the pilot chair. It read,


I went to the city to steal some stuff for Yondu and get a few other things. Wait here until I get back.

"I'm going be bored here." She said to herself.

Clover her ear mask and jacket from the bedroom and she made her way out of the Milano, down the mountain, and to the city.

Peter always told her never walk near strangers by herself, unless he was near. Clover stayed in the shadows and alleyways where no one would notice her. For a four year old, she was smart.

Clover saw species of aliens that she knew or never seen before. All of a sudden she was lifted off the ground and hung upside down. She stayed quiet and stared at the alien holding her. The alien growled at her and ran off with Clover still trapped in its arms.

Clover became scared and she started whimpering. The alien jumped down onto a different street of the outskirts of the city to grayish dirt and looked around. The crowd of aliens backed away in fear.

They could clearly see what the large alien was holding. But nobody could see her face because of the mask. A certain terran was in that crowd and he stared at the little figure trapped in the alien's grasp. The alien stormed off into an alley and then in a tunnel underground before he could react.

Clover was thrown to the floor and sure enough, that will leave a couple of bruises. Another alien stormed up to Clover. Clover crawled backwards in fear and she started crying. The creature laughed and flicked at Clover's body. It spoke in its native tongue to the first alien and the other laughed as well. The creature grabbed Clover's wrist way too fast and fractured it from the force. Clover cried out in pain and let the tears fall freely.

The creature dropped her and the first alien swing one of its arms at her. Clover laid down on the ground in pain and she squeezed her eyes shut. The aliens found it amusing to see her in pain. But the amusement ended when a couple of laser blasts sounded off in the room. Clover opened her eyes and she was picked up by a pair of familiar arms.

Peter looked down at his daughter, the only thing that was going through his mind was if his daughter was injured badly.

His hand went to her side and she cried out in pain. "I'm sorry Clove! What hurts baby?" Peter asked her.

Clover showed him her swollen up wrist and she pointed at her side. Peter placed both hands on the side of her face and wiped away her tears.

He kissed her forehead and said "Don't cry Clove, we'll get back to the Milano and you'll feel better, okay?"

Clover nodded her head. Peter picked her up and she laid her head on his shoulder. Peter gently rubbed her back as they made their way out of the city.

Once they got to the Milano, Peter wrapped Clover's wrist up and he put some ointment on the bruise.

Clover wrapped her small arms around her father's neck and said, "'m sorry daddy."

Peter sat down with Clover in his lap. He kissed her head and replied, "It's okay. Just don't ever go out alone again, alright?"

Clover slowly nodded her head. "I love you baby girl." Peter whispered as he comfortingly rubbed Clover's back. Clover slightly smiled, "love you too daddy."

¤ my god my writing sucked back then, but it could be worse.

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