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You really have to speed up my dude - sincerely yourself

Clover's pov

All the Ravagers got into their ships. Me, my dad, Drax, and Groot were all in the Milano. I was sitting on Gamora's lap as my dad piloted the Milano. The cannon ships flew a bit a head of us as we entered Xandar and flew towards a big ship. The cannon ships fired and the blasts hit an invisible force field and everyone dipped under it.

Gamora called the big ship the Dark Aster. My eyes widened as we gpt closer to it.


"Yes Clove?"

"We have to kill that ship?" I asked.

He nodded and made the Milano go faster. Rocket and his team went past all the small enemy ships to the side of the Dark Aster so us and Yondu can get inside.

Once Rocket said we were good to go, my dad tried to fly past the enemies. Yondu then shouted something into the comm system that he was going down. I glanced over to my dad, scared.

Now it was only us going into the big ship. Something hit the side of the Milano and almost made me fall off of Gamora's lap.

I was scared, it looked like we were losing. But then Nova Corp appeared. My dad smiled and said,

"They got my dick message."

After we made it through the swarms of ships and crashed inside the Dark Aster my dad opened the door and we all walked out. I made my mask appear and I held my crossbow very tightly in my hand. My dad put his hand behind my head to make sure I was next to him and to lead me in the right way.


Gmaora went another way to open a big closed door. My dad made me sit on Groot's shoulder. They were running down a hall as I held tightly onto Groot's head with my small hands. A man from the abandoned planet and the faceless freaks stood in front of us. I made sure I had my crossbow ready.

He took one look at my dad and said, "Starlord."

My dad grinned, "Finally."

Then the fighting began. I was shooting at the faceless freaks and Groot was throwing them. Drax ripped off a thing at the side of the leader's head at the end of the shooting and stabbing.

Groot handed me back to my dad when another group of faceless freaks came from behind us. Groot extended his arm and stabbed a row of the freaks, then using them to crush the other ones. Me, my dad, and Drax looked at each other since Groot was overkilling them.

Once he was done he turned back and smiled at us.

I shrugged and told him, "Cool."


Gamora opened the big door and we ran to the front of the ship. The guy who was called Ronan was just standing there. I was standing behind everyone so I didn't get hurt first.

The group got out a big missile launcher thing and my dad held it in his hands. He fired it and the missile hit Ronan. There was a blue explosion that made me fall to the ground. Was it that easy? That was very loud for my ears. They were ringing a bit. I stared at the smoke.

Ronan was still alive. He stood up and turned to face us. I aimed my weapon at him. How was he still alive? I was scared. He moved his hammer and blew us all back.  That made me do flips in the air and I barely stuck the landing.

Drax started running towards Ronan. Gamora came to my side and covered me. I closed my eyes and covered my ears when I heard a big crash. I could feel the big ship was going downwards.

Gamora stood up and I looked around. There was fire and pieces of the ship everywhere. I saw Drax was unconscious and my dad was getting Rocket out of his ship. Was he the one that made the big crash?

We all sat in a circle. My dad held me by his side and he made Rocket lean against my other side.

There was explosions happening in different parts of the ship. I could hear the ship falling apart as it fell towards the ground.

"I'm scared daddy." I whimpered.

He looked down at me with sad eyes. He kissed the top of my head and said, "I know, I'm scared too." There were crashes, explosions, rocks and other stuff falling down near us which made me hug my dad tighter.

Is this where we die?

Groot started extending branches around us. Little green leaves started blooming. I stared at them in awe. A flower was placed in my hair. I looked at Groot and smiled.

The branches then closed around us. I couldn't see what was happening around us but I could still hear everything.

Rocket woke up and looked around. Groot made yellow glowing orbs fly around for light.

"No Groot. You can't. You'll die." Rocket said standing in front of Groot.

"Why are you doing this?"

Groot's response surprised me and probably everyone else. "We.....are.....Groot."

I tightly hugged my daddy and whispered to him, " 'Love you."

"I love you too baby girl." He said.

Them everything went black.

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