Chapter 5

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Sorry I didn't update mummy banned me from my phone. :-( But I got it back!!! Here's the next chapter...Enjoy ;-)

Hiccup berried his face in his hands and groaned loudly. You looked at him sympathetically and touched his shoulders. This made Hiccup jump. The weight of just dumping his life long love left his shoulders. He looked up at you. Your eyes sparkled. He loved you. Before he could carry on daydreaming you spoke.

"Hey hic. R u OK?" You asked.

"I'm fine...just a little shocked. Did that actually just happen?" He loved the way you said Hic.

"Sorry to say but yes. Why don't you get some rest?" You said.

"OK." He said not breaking eye contact.

Hiccup walked you to your house and you hugged. You felt so safe with him. He reminded you of...No. You must forget about must. You pushed the thought aside and left Hiccup to walk home. You ran up to the window and watched him walk. Oh my goodness. He was single. Wait...this was mean, your best friends just broke up and your already thinking about hooking up with one. You were disgusted with your own mind.

Hiccup walked home alone. He thought about what just happened. He broke up with Astrid but he should be feeling sad. Not like Astrid was the one who was holding you back from something. He secretly knew what it was... (Y/n). She was beautiful, funny, kind and everything else. He wanted you more than anything. He reached his own house and began to feel worried about telling his mum.

He stepped inside slowly, his mum was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey honey, how was school?" She asked. Hiccup walked into the kitchen and then spoke.

"Lesson was OK but Umm...I b-broke up with Astrid." He told her what happened.

"Oh my goodness. I always thought Eret was better than this. And Astrid well..." She sighed and then started laughing. "That means your single and you can go out with (y/n)." Hiccup turned bright red.

"Why? What? H-how did you know?" Hiccup stuttered.

"I am your mother. I will always know when my son likes a girl. You should have seen the way you looked at her." Hiccup turned an even brighter red. He quickly left and ran to his room. Toothless was already there. He chuckled to himself. I'm single and ready to mingle. He thought.

You whistled at your window for Midnight. You looked at the view. It was stunning. You could see mountains which complemented the sunset really well. The forest was directly next your house. You could see Midnight walking towards you. You smiled and let her in. She went on your bed and curled up and went to sleep.

You started to explore the house. You had a bunch of new clothes in the wardrobe and you found the most perfect set of weapons on display. You looked in the bedside draw. There was a small box with a note. You opened the box to see the latest phone. You squealed in excitement. You swiped to open and found one contact...Hiccup. You smiled and looked at the note.

'Enjoy your housewarming present.' -Hiccup.

You giggled. He was so kind just like him. The boy you have been trying so hard to forget had come back into your mind. Hot tears stung your eyes. You missed him so much. You lay next to midnight and cried yourself to sleep.

* * * the next day * * *

You woke up sticky from crying the night before. You gave a fish to Midnight and didn't eat anything yourself because you had no appetite. You got changed into a dark blue dress and left your hair out in loose curls. You were going to find Astrid and see how she was. As you left your house , you could hear people talking about the chief being single. Girls everywhere seemed so excited to finally have a chance with him. Midnight was walking by your side. As you reached Astrid's house you knocked on the door. Her dad answered the door and called Astrid. She came down stairs with red eyes which were a clear sign that she had been crying. When she saw who it was, she ran up to you and hugged you. You hugged for a while and then she let go and looked at you.

"I have to see him at school today.." She said as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Yes you do. Just be friends." You said.

"OK. We should go." The two of you walked in silence to school. Stormfly and Midnight played behind you.

When you reached the school you grabbed Astrid so she didn't run of. "Astrid, I know your strong. So go in there and still be friends OK." You demanded. She nodded. "OK let's go in. Chin high." You both walked in. The room fell silent. It looks like the news of the breakup had spread to everyone.

"OK hi Umm...everyone's here so we should start." Said Hiccup. You nodded and sat down. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other uneasily. "Well I realised...we are all good at dragons but not on foot so why don't we play a game today." Everyone looked at him in confusion. "Umm...OK...I have a prize for the winner. Ok ... So the game is urr...." You could tell he was improvising. "You see this sword hear." He gestured to a detailed sword. "I will give this to toothless. The first one to get it back wins the sword." He smiled. The room was filled with people chatting excitedly about this new game. "OK toothless here you go." Toothless went up to the sword and grabbed it in his teeth. With that he ran out of the room and into the forest.

Everyone laughed and started to chase after him. You swiftly climbed the first tree you saw, nobody saw you. You jumped from tree to tree swinging on branches. You had done this before. You looked down and saw that you were ahead of everyone. You smiled. Not making a single noise, you swung onto a vine leaving the others far behind. You were gonna win this thing. You could see toothless running towards a lake. You jumped down from the tree and stopped as you watched toothless chuck the sword into the lake. Dang...the others had caught up and were watching you look into the water and toothless who extremely happy because he had now made you all seem extremely dumb.

Hiccup was watching you intently to see what you were going to do, he had been amazed at how you could swing through trees perfectly. Hiccup's jaw dropped open at what you had just done. You pulled of your dress leaving a strap top and black skin tight shorts and lunged into the water. Wow. You never stopped amazing him. You had a firm, amazing body which made hiccup love you more and the way you dived into the water made no splash at all. Then he realised you had not come up. He called your name getting worried. Then there was a splash and there you were perfectly fine and you had the sword in your hand. "What have you not seen a girl win before?" You said cheekily. Everyone laughed. You put up your hand so Hiccup could help you out. He obliged. You grabbed his hand and pulled him into the water with you.

OK. I know that was terrible... sorry... what was your thoughts on this chapter? Who do you think this mysteries guy who is always in your mind is? As always...comment, vote and follow :-)

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