Who Am I?

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Who am I? Who is the bearer of these words? Who is the writer of the starting language? Who is the one that tracks our paths, holds the string to our destiny and draws each step we take?

Who am I? Am I meant to be great? Am I meant to be bad? Am I meant to be nothing in particular? Is the person I am meant to be a great artist? An amazing athlete? A brainy scientist? A clown nobody laughs at?

Who am I? Do I bear a burden on my shoulders? Do I carry the truth and courage we all need to survive? Do I feed love and light to people? Or do I steal the greatness of their souls? Do I dispel hate and anger in their hearts? Or do I lift them up to the sky saying "Kindness is what leads you to greatness!"

Who am I? Am I one that scowls and turns away? Or the person of joy and hugs? Do I hit, scratch and make blows with my tongue? Or do I heal, cure and sew together the rips in their hearts? Do I mend fences or do I break them?

Who am I? I am the chooser of my path whether it's good or bad. I am one who can turn away from my sins and if I have sinned I am able to fix them. I am the person that everyone should look up to. I am the person that knows in the end, where ever that may be, that I was wrong. I am the person that will have a better after life than the one I lived by knowing my mistakes. I am the one that cherishes my wrongs and encourages my rights.

I am who I am and that is Who I Am.

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