Untamed| Part five

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Klaus and Caroline released from each other's hug after they finished mourning about Hayley.

"We should take the kids back to the school." Klaus said sniffling.

"Yea." Caroline said.

They walked over to where Hope, Faith and Roman were and Klaus bumped into Elijah and gave him a death stare.

"Get away from my children before I rip your head off." Klaus said threatening as he watched him hold Faith's body in his arms.

"Klaus-" Caroline started.

"No, he's right. Let me take you too your sister Roman." Elijah said, and him and Roman left.

"I can't tell Hope her mother is dead, I won't." Klaus said sad.

"Hey, hey listen too me. I'll call Freya and have her meet me at the school and we'll break the news. But Klaus you need to go home and get some rest it's getting late." Caroline said cupping his face with both of her hands.

Klaus nodded his head agreeing and walked over to Faith and Hope kissing them both on the forehead and then vamp speeding off to New Orleans.

Caroline pulled out her phone and called Freya.

"Hello? Yea, um... you need to get down the school like now it's about Hayley." Caroline said.

She hung up the phone and using her vampire strength she picked up Faith and put her in the car and did the same with Hope.

They were back at the Salvatore school, Freya was with the girls in their room and Caroline was talking to Alaric.

"So what she just ran out the door knowing she would die?" Alaric asked confused about the situation.

"Yea, but she did it for Faith." Caroline replied.

"What do you mean 'she did it for Faith' ?" Alaric asked.

"I found out from Roman-" Caroline started.

"Roman you mean the one who led them there?" Alaric asked concerned.

"Well he was the only other person there. So like I was saying Roman's mom was about to stake Faith, but Hayley rushed to push Greta back." Caroline said.

Alaric looked shocked.

"I'll never be able to pay her back because she sacrificed her life for my daughter." Caroline said as a tear fell down her face.

"Care, Hayley had a nice long life, and yea it was taken to soon. But I'm sure she'd do it all over again because that's her niece. If it was any of us in the position we would do it too because we are all family. And we'll risk it all for each other, no matter who's caught in the crossfire." Alaric said sitting by Caroline rubbing her leg to comfort her.

"You're right Ric, thanks." Caroline said wiping her tear.

The two embraced each other in a hug.

"Now go be with your daughter and niece, they need you." Alaric said.

Caroline walked into the girls room thinking she had composed herself, but when she saw Freya crying she joined in too. The two cried together as the hugged each while sitting on Faith's bed.

"They still haven't woken up yet?" Caroline asked.

"No but that just means we have more time to prepare." Freya said as her voice cracked.

"I don't think we'll ever be prepared." Caroline said chuckling a little through the tears as she rested her head on Freya's shoulder.

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