Shoot to win

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Link x OC

LoZ (Legend of Zelda)

Rating of Teen so nothing too detailed :)

Robin is bored of the same old thing in Castle town but when a certain Goddesses hero strolls into town can the young lady resist the urge to toy with him?


Robin was bored of life in Castle town, as interesting and funny as it was pranking the guards, living in Castle town had begun to bore Robin. She leans back against the fountain wall as she watched the hustle of people moving around the market. She huffed dejectedly as she tried to find a way to save herself from her boredom.

'Hello... Handsome.' Robin thought as she raised her head as her eyes followed a blonde across the square. A green tunic clad boy - no teen walked right by her. Robin watched as he entered one of the shops and she almost instantly got to her feet. She stood and walked over to the shop he had went into as casually as she could.

Once inside the weapons shop she wandered around, looking at the various bows, swords, axes and other various weapons that had been mounted on the walls. Some of them were highly intricate and beautiful but others were simply and clearly designed for being a little more practical. Robin couldn't help but notice the faint stench of blood as she walked through the racks. It wasn't long before she spotted the blonde male she had been interested in finding.

"Oof.." Robin mumbled as she 'accidentally' bumped into the blonde. "Sorry.. I wasn't really watching where I was going." She said softly as she looked to the wall he had been looking at before she had come over. "You looking at the bows.. Erm."

"Link." He supplied for me as he picked a now up, testing the weight of the bow as he spoke to her.

"I'm Robin." She offered her hand as Link placed the bow back where it was before and shook her hand. "Would you like some help, I do an awful lot of archery, my instructor owns this place." Robin quickly went onto explain, much to his surprise. He was a little astounded such a girl would do archery.

"The help would be appreciated, thanks Robin." His voice was smooth and quite relaxing. He seemed quite laid back as he browsed the bows, his eyes scanning over the various lengths and styles of the bows. "I'm looking at something that's versatile and simple." He stated with a small shrug.

"Alright." Robin smiled and picked up one of the slightly larger bows but with a thick wooden grip with the bow string still tight. "There's a place outside to go shoot." Robin said with a small smirk as she began to lead the way out of the back, collecting two quivers and swinging them over her shoulder as she went along with her usual bow.

Soon they were outside on the bright green field with a few targets standing on the opposite end of the field. The wind was fairly low and was running through the trees, making them rustle softly as Robin handed a quiver full of arrows to Link.

"So you think your a good shot?" Robin asked cheekily as she knocked back an arrow. Soon it was flying across through the air and landed smack bang in the centre of the target. "Match me or best me." She smirked pointing to the further back target that was 5 feet further back than the first.

Link, never one to back down from a challenge, nodded in submission as he took an arrow from the quiver, placing it upon the rest and pulling back the bowstring with ease. He had clearly practiced that over a million times, it was clear that he was good at what he knew. "Alright, what do I win if I beat you?" He asked as he let go of the string, the arrow snapping forward and hitting the centre.

"Fine, what do you want?" Robin asked as she moved over to get into a good position so she could hit the next target. In a second the arrow was embedded in the next target along, seemingly with ease on Robins part.

"A kiss for the victor?" He asked somewhat slyly as he moved over to the next target along and brought back the bowstring again till it was as far back as he could get it.

"Agreed." Robin nodded instantly as another arrow thudded into the target from Link's bow. The competition beginning to heat up so Robin sent a grin his way and aimed her arrow slightly higher and pulling it taught. She let the bowstring go and the sharp arrow deeply embedded itself into a target placed on one of the trees further back.

"Try and top that." She said cockily as and smiled proudly at the arrow in the tree, firmly in place.

Link let out a low hum but it was evident he wasn't giving up as he reloaded. The next target would be hard to top as Links arrow cut straight through the middle of Robins previous shot. The wooden end splintering and falling to the floor in a somewhat tragic pile.

"Hey! My arrow!" Robin turned and scowled as she almost immediately fired her next arrow past his as it met it's mark. A sparrow landing with a soft thud on the grass though the trees, the triumphant look on Robins face as she turned to Link told him she obviously thought he couldn't top hitting a moving sparrow.

Link held his hands up in defeat. He wasn't even going to bother challenge that, he was pretty sure he was used to the new bow now anyway. "You win..." He admitted as he approached her slowly.

Robin let her lip curl up into a small smile as she turned her cheek to him and waited for he victory kiss, although being the prankster she was she wasn't going to let him get away without a small surprise.

As soon as Link came close enough, leaning in to kiss he cheek Robin's head twisted carefully so his lips brushed hers. There was a moments hesitation on Link's part, he seemed to be nervous as he kissed her, although he had set the bar. However the teen soon got a little more into the kiss as his lips pushed more heavily upon hers.

Robin had her smile wiped from her face as her eyes fluttered closed and she pulled herself closer to him with her lips moulding up against his. It was a little messy but what first kiss with an almost complete stranger wouldn't be. Despite the disorganised fashion it was strangely comforting and well nice, for both parties.

However the time came to pull away, mostly for a little more oxygen and a little less heat.

Robin was the first to speak. "Wow.. That was.. Nice." She spoke lowly as she untangled her fingers from his hair that she hadn't even realised had been there. "So, you want the bow?"

Link looked confused for a moment until clicking back to reality, letting out a low chuckle at his own confusion. He suddenly had an idea, her own cheek appeared to be rubbing off on him. "I don't think that's the only thing I wouldn't mind taking with me."

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