The snake that captured the raven

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Draco x OC

Harry potter

Rated M for mature (lemon ahead!)

Draco stumbles across an upset Fay after an awful break up, but would he dare to take advantage of the emotional wreck of a girl who he'd had a crush on since first year? Of course he would, he's a Slytherin for Gods sake.


Fay's tears didn't seem to want to stop running down her face. The salty tears stained hair face as they dripped onto the stone of the castle floor with a soft pitter-patter against the stone. A cracked sob escaped he lips with an echoed taught of her sob coming straight back at her. She was thankful to be alone so nobody would see her full out crying.

It was just Fay's luck that somebody would be coming up the stairs at that exact moment, probably to see what the awful crying sound was all about. She turned her head away from the direction of the footsteps until there was somebody sat beside her.

"I heard about Blaze, he was a bit of a dick, right?" A smooth voice asked from beside her, one that she recognised as her boyfriends, no ex-boyfriends friend, the good looking but somewhat wimpy Draco Malfoy.

"I can't believe he would do tha-that to me." Fay choked out as she thought back to the brutal way he had just dumped her. She hadn't expected to walk in to go find Blaze and see him making out with some blonde chick.

"Hey, hey, don't get so upset over that douche bag. He wasn't worth your time anyway." Malfoy snorted as he slid his arm around Fay's shoulder with a small smug look on his face that he quickly masked with a look of concern.

Fay accepted his arm and shuffled herself closer to him and threw her arms around his neck. She was in no position to reject the comfort the Slytherin offered her, she should be smarter than to fall into his traps, being a Ravenclaw and all. It's just that she was such an emotional wreck.

Draco chuckled softly under his breath as he ran his thumb over her cheeks to wipe away her tears. "Now Fay, I always thought you were too good for Blaze. You're a lovely person, you're so friendly and people really like you. I like you actually." He hummed, leaving her to work out what he really meant, leaving the ambiguity in the sentence.

"Really?" She asked softly as her tears came to an end and a light blush dusted her olive skin. A pale hand went and tucked a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear, which only caused the red tint to turn a bright crimson and heat to radiate against his hand.

The whole situation was rather romantic if you ignored the previous circumstances. The moonlight was cascading down onto the couple as they sat on the steps inching closer to each other. Before Fay knew it her lips where up against his being crushed together in a rough kiss.

All Fay could taste was the lust between them, with her plump red lips battling against pale ones. Arms snaking around wastes and hands entangling within hair. It wasn't long before they were both out of breath and were sat staring at each other. Fay would have to admit that Draco did indeed look really good a little roughed up, and it only fuelled the ideas floating around in her head.

As if they had a connection they both got up and walked together towards the Slytherin common rooms, at least there people where used to seeing Fay. The pair straightened their clothing before walking into the quiet common room and jogging up the boys staircase. Fay was a little surprised when she didn't go straight back down again, but then the Slytherin boys probably enchanted it.

It took Fay and Draco a little under 2 minutes to sneak into his dormitory, draw the curtains around his four poster bed and cast a spell to make the small space sound proof.

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