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Appreciate Doyoung's visual!!!

Author's POV

Kim Y/N. She may be quiet, but she can be deadly. When do something bad to her, expect bad consequences... she doesn't call it revenge, but... she prefer to call it business.

She's known for being the unbothered princess. She just want to ignore comments from people. Y/N only focuses on the comments of her manger, assistant, her older brothers, and their mom.

Don't think that she doesn't have happiness inside her, actually she's really soft and cheerful inside. She easily gets fascinated by things, but she doesn't show it. Sometimes she acts like a kid when she is with the people she trusts. Sometimes she can be a cute fluff ball, but sometimes she can be cold as ice. For short, she's not the 'showy' type.

Y/N is currently in Japan to study in one of the best university in Tokyo. Even if she's still high school, she is respected by everyone like a rich businesswoman. But actually, she is. She's hella rich in that age.

She owns two resturants back in Korea, that are in the list of the best resturants in Asia!

And she also owns a well-known clothing label called "Simply". She got that name with the help of her brother.

Also, she owns a famous fashion boutique and a makeup label. Basically, her makeup label also contains face/skin products. And customers are going crazy ( A/N: Thisss must be craaaazy loooveee~) whenever she realises new products.

She owns this kinds of businesses with the help of her mom and brothers. But usually, she takes care of it by herself because she doesn't want to rely on people too much. Also, her mom always teach her to be responsible and always take opportunities that will help her for her future. So her mom send her to some classes to learn different languages. Right now, Y/N can speak english, cantonese, japanese, french, chinese, and thai. 

And when the paparazzi or reporters want to know who is the one who owns this kinds of labels and resturants. Y/N will just tell the staff to be quiet because she doesn't want anyone to know about it. So the staff will just send some of their models or representatives. But she always monitor the business even if she's still high school. But of course, her brothers will always help their baby sis.

If you think of it properly, you might think that she has a hectic and crazy schedule everyday, but... she doesn't. She lets her assistant and manager handle the work. It's not that she's lazy, Y/N thinks that she should focus more on her studies because she almost dropped out before because of her schedule. And also, she trusts them and she thinks that they will not disappoint or fail her.

Her assistant, Noa Kazama, is like a older brother/dad to Y/N. He stays with Y/N in ups and downs of her life. Y/N haven't felt lonely because Noa is there with her always.

But speaking of brothers/family... Y/N has two older brothers. The first one is, Kim Seunghun.

Kim Seunghun is the oldest. So he is really caring and responsible. He is known for being strict and a hot-headed boss. But he's actually soft inside. Seunghun doesn't show his soft and cute side to his employees. Basically, he shows it when he's with his sibling and friends. He tends to be cold so the employees will follow his orders and rules. He's cold but many girls fall for him. Because he has looks like an innosent angel and he has a beautiful voice that can make you fall in love even if you just bear it. See? Impressive right?

Next is, Kim Junkyu. He's the opposite of Seunghun. He's always cheerful and acts like a kid. When he's with Y/N he will always hug her or kiss her forehead. He says it is his way to show love. Like his siblings, he also owns some businesses. He owns a famous perfume brand and a famous fashion label.

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