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"Ahhh... I'm hungry~"

My eyes quickly searched for the boy that said that. I didn't fail because I saw a boy that is pouting at the back.

"Sir Jhiro?" I called sir. He approached me with a confused look. "Haven't you all eaten yet?" I asked. "Yes... We haven't eaten yet." He answered.

I sighed. Should I treat the food her in the cafeteria? I mean you can't have food if you don't have your I.D

"Hey boys! Go and lineup. I know you haven't eaten yet." After I said that, the quickly lined up with the other female students. Good thing that the is not that long.

I looked at sir Jhiro, he's totally confused. "Sir... you should go in the line with your students. Don't worry... I'll handle it." I said then smiled.

I looked at the other students and I can tell that they're confused.

I looked around and found a table that will fit us all. And luckily, I found one.

*Afted 30 minutes*

Finally! The boys are here! I almost fell asleep.

They sat down and started eating. Ahhh!! I lost my appetite. I don't why! Huhuhuhu

"Hey aren't you gonna eat?" A boy asked. I just shook my head as an answer. "Why? You're the one who will lead us remember?" Another boy said. I looked down to their uniforms to see if they have a name tag or something.

Aha!! They have one. All of them actually. It is placed on the right side of the coat they are wearing. So I looked on the chest of the guy who asked me before.

Takata Mashiho

He noticed that I was looking at his chest to read his tag. But he covered it with his arm. "Hey what are you doing?! Why are you looking at me like that?!" He asked loudly. So the othed students lookes at us with a weirded look

Tsk... I shook my head in disbelief.

"Tsk. I was looking at your name tag. I couldn't adk you what your name is because your too busy eating." I explained. "And why are you covering your chest like that?!"

Why is Mashiho like that?! Does that guy have breasts or something?!?!

"Nothing. I thought you were thinking about dirty thoughts." He said and smiled innocently. My eyes widened and my mouth slightly gaped. "Uhmmm...Excuse me?" I said trying to calm my self.


Suddenly two guys hit Mashiho in the back of his head. "Owww! What was that for Keita?!" Mashiho yelled. The 'Keita' guy just glared at him. While the otber guy that hitted Mashiho is just trying to hold his laugh. "Hey Haruto!! Stop it! I'm older than you you fool!" Mashiho yelled.

"Hey! Act properly Mashiho! You're talking to a girl idiot!" Keita scolded Mashiho. He's still munching on some fries while glaring at Mashiho.

Keita looked at me and smiled. "Hi... My name is Keita Terazano. Sorry for the way Mashiho acted. He can be childish sometimes." He explained while smiling. Oh my.


Well wow... He made my heart flutter. He looks so when be smiles. My goshhhhh!! I can feel my face heating up. I cleared my throat, trying to calm myself.

"Sometimes eh? He always act like a child! Hahaha!" Haruto... I think? Said. Mashiho just glared a him.

Haruto looked at me and smiled. "Hi! My name is Haruto Watanabe! Nice to meet you!" He introduced and winked at me. Smiled to him and damn.... curse this damn heart.



"Curse this heart." I whispered to myself. "What was that miss... Y/N?" Haruto asked while looking straight into my eyes. I looked at him and smiled a little.

I feel uncomfortable when my heart is like this.

"Oh nothing. I said it was nice meeting you." I answered. This guy is making my heart explode. Damn you.

"Are you sure your not going  to eat?" Sir Jhiro asked me. "Ummm... I don't know." I answered. I'm not suuuureeee.

"You should eat. We're not just gonna finish the tour in 10 minutes." Sir Jhiro laughed. I just nodded and excused myself to get some food.

After 5 minutes

I came back with a fried pork vutlet and some rice. And I also brought some deserts for them.

I sat down and saw sir Jhiro wasn't there. "Where is Sir Jhiro?" I asked them while giving them the deserts I brought.

"Oh... he is gonna pick up the other two students in the university's gate." Mashiho answered while looking at the desert.

"Eat it. I brought it for you guys." I asnwered while not looking at them. Finally. I have food!

I started eating and I let them talk with each other. Sometimes they would talm to me but I will just give short replies because I want to focus on my food.

While I was eating Haruto called me. "Why Haruto?" I asked since he kept calling me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked. I almost chocked on my food. I kept coughing because I was to shocked.

"A-are you okay? Were you too shocked?" Keita asked worriedly. Ayiieeeeee!! He's worriedddd~


I swallowed my the food first. "Why did you ask that Haruto?" I asked him. "Oh... It's just... How can a beautiful girl like you don't have a boyfriend." He explained while smiling.

I just sighed and shook my head. "No Haruto. I don't have a boyfriend." I finally answered.

"How about an ex?" One guy asked. I looked at his name tag and...


"Yes I have two exes." I answered then continued eating.

"Oh guys. Sir Jhiro texted me and he said they are coming back." One guy said while muching on the doughnut. I looked at his nametag and...


I finally finished my meal without any questions about my lovelife.

"Oh there they are!!" Haruto said while smiling and pointing at their direction. Once Sir Jhiro and the two guys approached the table, I looked at them while smiling. But my smile faded when I saw one familiar person.

A person who broke me.

A person who made me cry every night.

A person that made me wait... but didn't come back.

A person that hurted emotionally and even physically.



A/N: I'm done with chapter 2!!! Yeheyyyy🎊

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