The Meet with the Ugly

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 ( Y/n's POV )

 Sneakily make my way to this storage place where the unusual looking dolls went. As I went closer, I can hear voices. I finally reach to the storage building lean in closer to the door to hear their conversation  

" So are you really here just to train for the big world? " Hearing one voice said.

 You heard voices seemingly nodding from this question.

" You do know that Lou is gonna make it super hard, right? " You heard the same voice that asked the first question.

" Well I say bring it on Louis! " A confidence of a voice roared from inside of the building. 

 You felt the comfortable feeling about these unusual dolls, even thought they seem to be from somewhere else. Although they might not belong here, they do have confidence, unlike Lou, he has the confidence to bring someone down. This brought to you thinking so much about him again. What was with you thinking about him so much? ( Because you love him, ding dong. )

 Finally your mind was cut off with a thud that was coming from the door. You proceed to hid from the side of the the building so you would get caught. 

 Waiting for a bit, you finally heard a shut from the door. You peek over to see a girl with darker skin and her hair into a bun. You weren't sure if it was safe to go in or not, but you needed to think of some entrance or how you are going to introduce yourself since you were a shy person with so much fear. ( Me when I was a lot younger ;-; )

 The door to reveal the pink doll that went to the other doll's direction.

Gulping the fear away, you decided to walk in the storage shed to meet the ugly. 

( Moxy's POV ) 

 I finally catch up to Mandy and say how special her glass are and how the make her who she is. I smiled as I went back to the storage shed. I opened the door to see a girl with (h/c) hair chatting calmly to my friends.

" Yo Moxy! Meet this Doll name (Y/n). " Uglydog said as he wagged his tail.

 The girl that was named (Y/n) turned around and it gave me a better look of her features of appearance.

" H-hi, you must be Moxy. " (Y/n) said and gave her hand shake.

" And you must be (Y/n)! " I said cheerfully as I shake her hand.

" We were just talking about our lives in Uglyville and ourselves. " UglyBat explained.

" She can also sing! " Wave added.

" We were just trying to give some type of topic of what you she can sing about. " Mobo finishes. 

" I really can't think of something right on top of my head right now, guys.. " (Y/n) whispered as she looked down to the floor, not trying to make too much eye contact.

" That's okay! " I chirped and went to tune into their conversation.


 We all talked about certain types of topics and training that we would have tomorrow. (Y/n) talked sometimes, but she listened to us. Besides that, she respected us and our flaws. She told me that she was made today and still learning about herself and this place. After awhile, we all said our goodbyes to (Y/n).

 I looked out from the window and admire my thoughts and feelings about this place. It got me thinking about one of the topics that (Y/n) brought up..

 I decided to go to sleep so I can get ready for training tomorrow.

( Y/n POV )

 The cold wind began to blow my hair at my face as I walk to my house. You also felt like you were being watch of some sort. You kept looking behind your back and side to side. I turned my head to the left for the last time and when I turned back to be in front of a figure that was blacking my way. I screamed, almost falling over, but a familiar voice was heard once I started to scream. 

" (Y/n) it's okay! It's me! " A familiar voice yelped. 

" N-nolan? Is that you? " Saying in a shaky voice.

" No worries, it's just me. I just wanna make sure you were okay. " Nolan said worriedly. 

" Y-yes, i'm okay.. Just don't sneak up on me like that.. " You whispered. 

 You both started to walk side by side to your place.

" Wait, how are you going to find me living in one of these houses? " I asked Nolan.

" If you haven't noticed, we have our names on our mailboxes. " Nolan answered your question. 

  You just nodded and continued to walk to your place.


 You both finally arrived to your new home that you got today. As you you stepped to your doorway, you heard Nolan's voice again.

" Wait! Although I have many questions which I will save for tomorrow, take this. " Nolan said as he gave you a bag with different senses that you smelled coming from the bag.

" What is this? " I asked in curiosity as I sniffed what's inside. 

" It's food from Lou. I walk through the houses to find your house, until Lou came up to me and ask me to give this to you. " Nolan explain. You flash a small smile in return.

" Thanks.. Have a good night Nolan. See you in training tomorrow. " I whispered and gave him a small hug before I opened the door and going inside and shutting it afterwards.

( Nolan's POV )

 I huffed and walk down the steps and walk straight back to my house. But before I could done that, Lou's voice stopped me from my tracks.

" Better be careful of what actions you take.. " Lou said as he walked out of the shadow. 

" Okay, okay.. You don't need to remind me. What makes you think that (Y/n) would be interested of a guy like you? ( Oohoho Nolan speaking up now )" I hissed at Lou. But it was a bad move for me at this time..

" Maybe you should also be careful of what you say before you get the taste of the washer machine tomorrow. " Lou threaten and walked away.

I sighed and walked to my house which was a little ways away.

( Nolan's Flashbacks ) 

" Why would this Lou guy bring some dolls confidence down.. " (Y/n) whispered

" I don't know (Y/n). I can take Lou's criticism. " 

" That's not criticism, Nolan.. We all dolls were created by a system and tells us our personality, our appearance, and our talents.. " (Y/n) trailed off.

" Maybe he has some control of the system that makes dolls with different types of problems except him? " 

" That doesn't make any sense Nolan.. " 


 Sorry for not uploading lately. You see, half of my laptop screen is glitchy and I think it's broken. I had this laptop for 2 years now so I expected it to be like this anyways. 

 If it does happened like this, and I can't get it off. It would take a little more time to upload stories and I would have to make chapters from my tablet. ;-;

 Anyways, just to letting you know that there will be flashbacks to conversations from a few chapters back to see the full story of what they were talking about or what it was. I will also add stuff from the movie that happen. But, I will be changing it up sometimes so (Y/n) could fir in the certain scenario. 

 Maybe even see Astro Chan.. >:>

 That's all I wanted to say, for now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! A little treat for you :>

- Astro Chan

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