Strange Appearance

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( Lou's POV )

 The girl was a shimmer to my eyes. After the concert and dealing with an ugly situation, I decided to find that girl with Nolan. I went inside my car and had a robot to drive me to where they are. ( Not creepy what so ever ) That girl was something, but I just couldn't get it on the tip of my tongue. She was different from the other dolls. Besides her looks, her actions towards me in the concert seem like she wasn't interested in a way.

( Y/n POV )

" That doesn't make any sense Nolan.. " You said quietly and looked away. 

" You know you don't need to worry much about me, (Y/n). We just met today ( e x a c t l y )" Nolan said scratching the back of his neck. 

" Are you sure? Because I saw some tears of humiliation when you were up on stage. ( Uh oh, exposed ) " You said looking at him with a worried tone. He just sighed.

" I'm sorry, I just got worried.. " You finally said with a little shamed in your voice.

" Don't worry, " Nolan patted you on the head " it shows that you care for me. " He said smiling, making you smile as well.

 You both walked in silence until it started to rain ( Does it even rain at the Institute of Perfection? )

  Both of you went to a building with shelter on the outside. It helped you both not to get wet a catch a cold, but the coldness was the problem. You two shivered from the coldness. You began to sit down and cuddle yourself for warmth. Nolan comfort you until you were fast asleep in his arms.

( Nolan's POV )

 (Y/n) eyes looked to grew heavy. I hold her tighter to at least give her comfort. Suddenly, I heard lightly snoring from (Y/n). A smile appeared on my face as I kept rocking her back an forth. I was then meet with a black car that stopped right in front of us. The car door open to reveal the so called perfect doll, Lou..

" Why hello Nolan, it great to see you and you're little friend again. Why don'y you hop on and I will drive you back to your place. " Lou offered.

 It was very strange that he was doing this after the rude things he said to me in his song. I'll just accept the offer either way.


  It was very silent drive. I stared at the window while having (Y/n's) head sleeping on my lap. I felt there was something up with Lou or it was just me. He seemed more nicer than he was at the stage. 

 Finally the car stopped at my house. I was about to bring (Y/n), but Lou stopped me. 

" Keep her here, i'll take care of her. " He said.

" Uhh, okay then.. " I said, placing (Y/n) down on the seat carefully to not wake her up from her beauty sleep. 

I went back outside and close the car door and walked to my house door. 

( Lou's POV )

 I watched Nolan finally shut the door of his house. I took a glance at the girl's sleeping body. I thought if I should bring her to my house or bring her to her own house. Finally I made my decision.  

" Drive me to my house, please. " I said sternly.

" Yes sir. "

( Y/n POV )

 I woke up at someone's bedroom. The room was perfect and neat. ' Where was I? ' I wondered in my head. Suddenly the door opened and wasn't expecting to see who I was seeing. Lou was holding a glass of water and now setting it down on the nightstand. He made a welcoming smile at me. 

" Why hello there sleeping beauty. " He said in flirty tone. 

 I just took a glance at him looked around the room before I laid back down again. He came over to my side and rub his thumb on my cheek. I finally earned some of my courage to asked where I was.

" Where am I? " I asked.

" You are staying at my house until the rain has calm down, sweetie. Come downstairs if your ready. " He replied. He took his hand off my cheek and walked out of the room, leaving the door opened. 

  It was like a strange appearance of someone that has an ugly attitude has cared for you. He also sounds like the guy who only pays attention to looks, but toy with the other girl dolls with flirting. You were in a messy situation, but starting to get it all figured out. Obviously I wouldn't fall for a guy like him.. would I?


 Ohohohoho, (Y/n) you are such a liar. Wait I am writing the story .-.

 There nothing much new than I can type better with my hands because they are all healed up. Thank you for all of your support and greatness that yo put with me so far! I'll try to update you with another chapter tomorrow if I can! :D

Anyways, Astro_Chan is going to work on my school project now, bye! 

Edit: I found some mistakes I made, so some words are changed. ;-;

Perfect for me (Uglydolls) Lou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now