5| The Wedding

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Lost my way
Within a complicated world with no exit.

- Lost


Right now, Jihye had all a girl could ever dream of. Unfortunately, she wasn't just any girl.

She had her mother by her side, saying something which she couldn't concentrate on; her father waiting to walk her down the aisle and her brother standing beside Jungkook as the best man. Her parents-in-law, who would be more than happy after she officially becomes their daughter today.

But most importantly, an extraordinarily handsome husband, waiting to say the vows, and have her as his wife.

If only it was whom she loved all her life.

"Jihye! Are you even listening to me?" Mrs. Park asked all of a sudden.

"Of course I am," Jihye lied with a sheepish grin.

Her mother, of course, saw right through it but decided it wasn't really appropriate to scold her on her wedding day. "It's time," she said. "Come on."

She led Jihye to her father, who, with a smile, took her arm and started to walk her down the aisle. Cheers of admiration from the guests all around and the click of cameras could be heard. Jihye decided to let all the worries go for now, and put on a good smile.

She looked up from the aisle towards the far end of the walk and her breath hitched. Jungkook stood at the altar, insanely handsome wearing just a simple black tux. He looked so perfect Jihye couldn't help but notice how sharp his jawline was or how kissable his lips looked.

It was weird. She wasn't supposed to notice these things in anyone but Junghyun, right?

"They look kissable just because I have to kiss them after a while," she tried to convince herself.

They reached the final step and her father let go of her hand, which Jungkook took in a second.

They stood facing each other, flashes of light from the cameras occasionally reaching their eyes. The officiant started speaking, and Jihye took the chance to admire Jungkook. Her eyes travelled to his and she found out that he was eyeing her in surprise and amusement.

To Jungkook, at that moment, Jihye was the most beautiful person ever. Her hair was gathered in an updo with a tiara. The upper part of her long, white gown hugged her body perfectly and the lower fell straight to the ground.

Just when he was starting to realize why his brother loved this girl so much, the officiant's words made him aware of what he was doing.

Jihye knew there was no turning back now. This was it. She took a deep breath with determination.

Finally, the officiant declared, "You may now kiss the bride."

It felt like Jungkook had waited all his life to hear those words. It didn't take him a second to pull Jihye closer by her waist, and press his lips on hers. Followed by cheers from the guests, it was a long, passionate kiss as opposed to a quick peck that was suitable under the circumstances.

It surprised Jihye, but she assumed it was just so that no suspicion arose about their marriage. After all, it was a contract marriage for two months.

When they broke apart, Jihye and Jungkook had happy, wide and fake smiles on their faces.


The rest of the day went wonderfully well with best wishes from friends and family and a lot of taking pictures. So, by the time they reached the Jeons' after dinner, Jihye and Jungkook were both very tired and would pretty much give the world up for some sleep.

Jungkook's parents had made sure Jihye didn't have any problem at their house and got necessary stuff for her from the Parks', packed with care in a suitcase.

"Jihye, dear, please make yourself at home," said Mrs. Jeon as she walked her to Jungkook's room. "If you need anything, just call me or tell Jungkook freely."

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon," Jihye replied.

"Don't you think 'mom' or 'mother' would be more appropriate now?" She asked eagerly. "I know it's not the perfect circumstance, but I've always wanted a daughter a like you."

"It'll take some time to get used to it, but I think I can try." Jihye smiled.

Mrs Jeon smiled back. "Goodnight. I'll see you both tomorrow morning at breakfast."

"Goodnight," said Jihye and opened the door to Jungkook's room, which also kind of belonged to her now.

She found Jungkook sitting in the armchair, already changed into causal clothes.

Unsure of how to say anything to him, Jihye walked over to the table and put down her phone. "Can I...?'' she hesitated pointing to the bathroom door.

"Of course," he replied. ''I'll wait until you come out if that's-"

She cut him off and said, "Please don't wait for me. Just go to sleep." With a convincing yet fake smile, she entered the bathroom.

A shower in these situations would always clear Jihye's mind but somehow, it didn't this time. Everything was just as it was and there was no solution to any problem.

She got out of the bathroom — in more comfortable clothes and her hair still wet to find Jungkook lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Considering how tired he was, it's not a surprise he fell asleep," thought Jihye and turned off the light he had forgotten. She took a seat on the armchair placed just in front of the window and looked outside.

It was a starry night, the sky was clear. It reminded her of Junghyun. He loved to spend the night watching the stars.

If it had been him, their wedding night wouldn't be like this. Why had it turned out this way? Wasn't three years enough for Junghyun to gain the courage of telling Jihye face to face that he couldn't marry her, that he couldn't take the responsibility of the company?

As much as Jihye felt angry about it, deep inside, she couldn't help but feel worried about Junghyun. It was true that he loved art. He had told her many times that all he wanted was to become a good artist. Where was he now? Was he okay?

At the same time, Jihye was reminded of her family. No matter if it was two months or two decades, she knew her mother would be wondering right now if she was sleeping soundly. Her father would be reassuring her, wondering that himself. Jimin would toss and turn for a bit, thinking if he should call her and eventually fall asleep.

She missed all of them. She couldn't take it anymore.

She took a glance at Jungkook, who looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Was he really in peace? Was he ready to take the responsibility of everything at an even younger age when his brother couldn't?

Her heart felt heavy. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She could only hope that Jungkook wouldn't see her because she was too tired to wipe them away. She sobbed silently so that he didn't wake up. He had been through enough for the day.

Little did Jihye know, Jungkook had already seen her.

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