28| Apology Accepted

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❛❛When we’re apart, you know we’ll be broken.
Only your scent completes me.
Hurry and hug me.❜❜

- Hold Me Tight


Jungkook walked through the glass doors, slowly but steadily, looking calm on the outside; while inside, it was the exact opposite.

One week. One whole week.

That's how long he hadn't seen her, touched her or – call him creepy – smelled her. Her hair, the smell of which addicted him, her hands that felt like heaven when they wrapped around his neck, her legs that he couldn't get his eyes off and her lips – her lips that matched perfectly with his — he missed all of it.

And when he was getting lost in thoughts remembering her, he felt someone swiftly pull him into a hug. He was startled at first but relaxed immediately when the familiar cologne entered his system.

It was her.

He wrapped his arms around her, tightly, as if he was worried that he would lose her forever if he did. He knew she had no intention of letting him go, either.

"I said you didn't have to come to the airport, didn't I?" He murmured.

"I didn't inhale your scent for a week too, didn't I?" Jungkook smiled at how similar their thoughts were. "Besides, it's not like I came here on my own."

Jungkook pulled back, asking, "Who's with you?" Jihye only smiled as a response and looked to the other direction. He followed her gaze and found another figure walking towards them. His eyes widened.


"Jungkookie." Unlike the last time, Jungkook was sure by his voice that this was the Junghyun he had always known. He glanced at Jihye and immediately realized it was all her doing.

"I'll just wait in the car and give you guys some privacy," Jihye excused herself.

"Good to see your nose has healed. I'm sorry for breaking it in the first place," Junghyun avoided his brother's eyes. "What I did was wrong. I didn't even bother to know the whole story. It just stick to my mind that you married her, not that you married her for two months. I hope you can forgive me."

Jungkook felt himself smile. "Apology accepted."

He smiled back. "She told me she loves you too and since you both love each other, I've decided to step out of it."

"Are you sure you even can?"

"No," he said, surprising Jungkook. "Not so quickly."

"But I can try my best. Just... just promise me you won't hurt her," he explained quickly. "Because if you do, I might forget everything I've promised."

"I won't," he reassured his brother. "You can be sure of it."


Just as he reached the parking lot, Jungkook saw Jihye, leaning against the car. She was staring at the ground, her arms crossed, probably anxious about the conversation the brothers were having.

She didn't even notice him walk towards her until he stood right in front of her. She looked up at his face, and asked, "How'd it go?"

"How can it go wrong after you've already solved the matter so well?" He gave her a captivating smile. "We're all good now. I asked him to come with us but he said he had something else to do."

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