8| I'm fine

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If you're ever sick,
Don't call 911,
But call me.

- Boy In Luv


"Jihye, is something wrong? Do you need anything?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," Jihye tried her best not to let her pain show. "Why'd I need something?"

"You're not eating," Jimin pointed out. "At all."

"I'm okay, I just had a late lunch," she replied and Jimin hesitantly went back to eating.

"You did not have a late lunch," Jungkook suddenly whispered into Jihye's ear from beside her, sending a shiver down her spine. "What's wrong?"

"M-my stomach hurts," Jihye replied slowly. "I think it's..." She trailed off hesitating.

Jungkook arched an eyebrow, and Jihye shot him a suggestive look. He stared at her for awhile and suddenly said "oh" like he understood what happened. ''Do you think it's gonna show?"

"I don't know," she admitted nervously.

"Don't get up until the others do. I'll ask my parents so we can leave early."

"No, it's such an important event for you," Jihye protested. ''I don't want you to miss it for me."

"You're important, too," he muttered under his breath, hoping Jihye didn't hear it. "My main job here is done anyway."

He got up and Jimin asked him where he was going. Upon hearing his reply he said he'd go with him. The two men got up and only Jungkook returned after a few minutes, all of which Jihye spent asking herself, Did he just say I'm important?

''Hey, Jin hyung, Father wants to see you three," he said indicating Namjoon and Taehyung. The three Kims got up and walked over towards their parents' table.

"Hey, Jihye, Jungkook?" Hoseok called. They both looked towards him and he asked, "Would you mind if Yoongi and I leave a bit early?"

"Of course not," Jungkook smiled warmly at them and Jihye wondered if he'd ever flash that smile towards her.

"Well, see you guys soon, then," Yoongi said, getting up.

"Bye, guys," Hoseok smiled and they walked away leaving only the two of them at the table.

"Alright," Jungkook said unbuttoning his coat, and getting behind Jihye. "Get up slowly." Jihye did as she was told and Jungkook wrapped his coat around her, covering any sign of blood. Luckily, none had gotten on the chair.

"It is showing, isn't it?" Jihye asked, embarrassed. "Yes, and you don't have to be ashamed of that in front of me," he took her hand and got out of the hall. Jungkook, being the gentleman he was, opened the door for Jihye first.

When they were halfway back to their house, Jihye said, "I'm sorry, Jungkook," looking at her lap.

''Why?" Jungkook asked not looking at her.

"First you had to endure holding me like that even though you were uncomfortable. Then, you had to leave early because of me and now I'm ruining your coat, which I'm sure is very expensive and-"

"Shut up," Jungkook said cutting her off, but there was no annoyance in his voice, rather it was soft. "I did not have to endure it."

Jihye wanted to ask what he meant but something else popped up in her mind. "Oh my God," she suddenly said causing Jungkook to look at her in confusion. "I don't have any sanitary pads with me."

Jungkook made a sound between a sigh and a chuckle. ''Will you be okay if I dropped you in front of the building?'' He asked. ''Then I can go buy them for you." Jihye felt a weird sensation in her stomach due to all that he was doing for her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."


"Who told you to buy this many?" Jihye asked in surprise when she saw how many packets of sanitary napkin Jungkook had brought for her.

''I didn't know which one to buy, did I?" Jungkook snapped, looking away.

Jihye shook her head and smiled. "Thank you," she said. "For pretty much everything."

"You don't have to thank me," Jungkook looked into her eyes and the corners of his lips twitched. ''Just make sure I get up in time on Monday," he added.

"What?" Jihye asked in confusion.

"There's very high chance of me getting late for college after dismissing the alarm and going back to sleep," he explained and Jihye laughed out loud.

"I think I can do that," she replied, still laughing.


On Monday, Jihye got up early in the morning, and after freshening up, went to Jungkook's room. The door was open and she got inside to find him sleeping soundly, covered under a light blanket, his lips slightly parted.

Jihye couldn't bring herself to stop staring and break his peaceful sleep. She walked towards him, and unknowingly run her hand through his smooth, fluffy hair. He looks so cute, she thought.

Suddenly, Jungkook fluttered his eyes open slowly and Jihye yanked back her hand swiftly. Luckily, he still looked to have been in a daze, and closed his eyes again, without realising anything.

"Jungkook," Jihye slowly called him but there was no effect. "Jungkook-ah, you'll be late for college," she said, a bit louder this time, and softly touched his cheek.

She waited a bit for any reaction and just when she was about to call him again, Jungkook's hand flew to hers on his cheek and clapped over it, trapping her hand.

He opened his eyes to find Jihye staring wide-eyed, and realized what he had done. "Sorry," he said in a raspy voice. ''It's a defence mechanism."

Jihye's shocked expression turned into a smile and she said, "You should get up right now or you'll be late."

Jungkook released her hand and she came back to her room to get dressed. After that, she went to have breakfast but it felt wrong not to offer Jungkook once before eating herself. So, she went back to his room to find that the door was still open.

She got inside, and looked around to see he wasn't there. ''Jungkook?" She called. No reply.

But soon, she realized she couldn't have chosen a better time to come because at that particular moment, Jungkook came out of the shower, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped down from his hair.

Jihye knew immediately that those chiseled abs would make the rest of her day very difficult.

"Holy shit," the words slipped her mouth before she could stop herself.


What'd you do if you were in this situation?

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