Dear readers,

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Is a form of art
It's something that everyone can write
But something that everyone defines
In their own different way.

It's a brimming flow of thoughts
Of one's own despair and happiness
Oh! you never know
What's going on behind those lovely smiles.

It's hard to understand
What another's going through
Even a poem sometimes isn't enough
To express the words of the heart.

U can only understand poems
If you've got someone to connect it too,
An image in your head,
a name on ur tongue,
a feeling in ur heart,
that u can never escape

So I dearly expect all of you to understand
That not everyone is perfect
In expressing their thoughts
In expressing their hurt.

You are completely free to criticize
(!oh but not too harshly)
And give all your suggestions
And advices, as that is the very basis of learning yourself.

•This collection of poems are random and do not follow a sequence and are not related to anyone in particular•

•All these poems are mine
And I do not appreciate anyone taking credit for others pieces.
As for the same, I also don't copy/refer other sources for my poems, they are just merely my own thoughts and I apologise if anyone feels as thought they are not original•

~ much love,


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