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Do u ever feel,
With all the things going on,
Happening in your life;
That somehow you're cursed?

With every incident that happens,
The worser it gets everytime,
And it just makes you think
That it's your fate;
That's so bad.

Every week something new,
New that is bad,
Bad that just keeps getting worser,
That you're just used to it now.

Used to the disappointment,
Used to the mistakes,
The accidents them all,
Just don't seem to stop.

All hard work that is done,
For days and nights,
Only to come home and realise,
That it's all been destroyed.

Do you ever feel,
That with everything around you,
With all the people you surround,
You're still alone; in a black and white world.

Feeling all destroyed,
You still put on a facade,
Like everything's fine,
Like nothing ever happened at all.

But in reality the truth is;
Your dreams are all shattered,
Your hope's all crushed,
And you've been broken into
A million tiny little shreds.

With no way to get back up.
You can't deal with it anymore,
Can't feel like this any longer,
As it's all been drained out of you.

Oh, do u ever feel
That you're just tired of living this life?


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