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It was less than a month before school started and I was already dreading it. I walked into the door of my apartment and went to my room, plopping down into my rolly chair in front of my desk, letting my head hang off the back of the chair.

"This is your last year, Eleanor, just get through this year, then you're free," I told myself a couple of times before sitting up and rolling closer to my desk and opening up my laptop. I opened my browser and it opened up to the Dom/Sub website I had just found, and made an account last night.

I went through my inbox, reading each username, and reading each message, each one didn't make me feel right.

"B-raddom36," I clicked on his message.

B-raddom36: Hey, little one, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this message, if you give me more of your time, I swear it'll be worth it.

I smiled at how sweet it was. I saw his pic, he looked like a god. As I was about to reply, he sent me another message. I opened it, I squeal, falling backward in my chair. I sit up and rubbed the back of my head.

"Owie," I pout. I fix my chair and sit back down; calmly I delete the dick-pic, texted I wasn't interested, and block him, not wanting him to ask so many questions on why.

After about an hour of reading messages, I close my laptop, letting out a deep breath. I rubbed my face and began to stretch, letting out a groan. I stood up and made my way to my dresser and took out panties, tank-top and comfy pants. I rubbed my eyes as I walked towards the bathroom, trying to think of what I would draw and color next. I plugged the run and turned on the hot water all the way and turned the cold water in a little.

I pulled off my blink-182 shirt, followed by a black bra. I shimmed my navy blue ripped skinny jeans down my legs and my white panties. As the tub was filling, I walked over to the full body mirror and began to review my body. I was paler than a vampire, my silvery-blue eyes had little bags under them due to lack of sleep. I turned sidways so that I was in a profile view from and saw how far my stomach stuck; though it didn't, I still felt fat. I saw my battle scars on my thighs, from the war inside my head. My eyes began to well, I raised my wrists so I saw the scars there too and I almost broke.

"No, I'm stronger then he says I am. Prove him wrong, Eleanor," I said as I grabbed a towel and hung it next to the tub, before getting in.

I turned off the water as my body sunk into the bubbles. The hot water soothed me of my stress, and made me happier. I put my phone on the counter playing my 'little' playlist on Spotify. I sang every lyric to every song, and when the song 'Daddy' came in by Die Antwoord, I smiled.

"I wish I had a daddy like she does," I thought in a wishful tone.

After about half an hour of calming down I got out of the tub, and wrapped myself in the warm and comfy towel. I put on my tank top, my bra, then my pants. I took my dirty clothes to the laundry room and put then in the dirty clothes hamper. I opened my laptop and created a new tab in my browser. I looked up cute things to draw and began to draw a cotton candy bunny and kitty. I heard a sound, that notified me I had gotten a message. I clicked on the tab of the Dom/Sub website and saw I only had one new message.

"DaddyAFI94." I cocked an eyebrow, opening the message and hoping it wasn't another dick-pic.

DaddyAFI94: Hello there. It says you're a new member so I wanted to give you a nice warm welcome. Though I do have to warn you there are a lot of pervs on here. If you ever need anything just ask me. My name is Ashton.

DaddyAFI94: I'm not wanting to get into your pants, but I would like you to get into my arms. I would like to get to know you more, EMunicornlil. I am a Daddy Dom looking for my 'little' girl.

Her Safety, His Sanity (Forever my Daddy)Where stories live. Discover now