A New Face (I forgot to name this)

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A/N: Before you read, just know that this chapter is hella short. :P

After breakfast, James decided to visit Alice, who was on her break. "Well hello, Alice." He smiled. Alice's head snapped up shocked. She immediately stood up and bowed but then came back up quickly, remembering he said no formalities. James grabbed her hand and kissed it. Alice turned completely red. "If you have any time we can go walk down the hill to the creek." James offered. "I would love that." Alice smiled shyly.

He grabbed her hand and they began to walk down to the creek. They talked and laughed and had an amazing time. Then the lead servant found Alice. "Alice! What are you doing dawdling with the prince?!" Alice looked down in shame. "Let's go." The woman said, walking towards her. "Wait! It was my fault. I was the one to take her here." James said. The leader looked at him and scoffed. She snatched Alice's arm and stormed away. James sighed and went back up to the castle.

Anne and James both had to take classes to teach them how to rule correctly, but they both hated the classes because they were always boring.

So in the middle class, they were learning about alliances and marriage. "So, we marry men or women who's country is very wealthy and powerful and are willing to form with us."

Anna and James looked at each with bored faces and rolled their eyes. "How much longer?" James asked Anne. Anne shrugged and James groaned.

When the class was over, Anne and James went their separate ways, James to find Alice and Anne to find her mother. James found Alice in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Hello." He greeted. Alice jumped (as usual) and bowed towards him, but instantly struck back up, remembering what he said about formalities. "Hello, Prince-er I mean James." She greeted. "Are you going to my aunt's wedding tonight?" He asked. "Well, I have to serve wine there...so yes." She replied.

"Then I guess I will see you tonight." James bowed, grabbing Alice's hand in the process and kissing it.

The night fell and the wedding was held. James (I know it's all about James but idc) searched for Alice, while Anne was caught up with some princes, who were flirting with her. Anne was disgusted by all of the remarks so she scoffed at them and struted away to James. James, on the other hand, was flirting with Alice.

Anne got to where James was to find him kissing up to Alice. "You are quite beautiful tonight." He complimented. She smiles and blushed. Anne rolled her eyes and cleared her throat "unintentionally" loudly. James glared at her. "What do you want?" He spat at her. "Well I was getting bored so I decided to try to find my "dear brother" only to find him flirting with a servant girl." She insulted.

"Anne, you're just jealous because you will never have any chances with a man...your age." James snickered. "JAMES I WILL THROW OFF OF THIS BLOODY BALCONY!" She yelled at him. "Um...I think I'll just go, I have a lot of work to be done anyways." Alice said and walked away.

Anne glared at James and stomped away. She wasn't watching where she was going and ran into a mysterious person. Instantly, she fell to the ground. "I am so sorry." the voice said. Anne looked up to see...

A/N: HAHA I HAVE LEFT YOU ON A CLIFFHANGER BECAUSE I HAVE MASSIVE WRITER'S BLOCK! Let's see how many months has it been...hm.........8 MONTHS! SORRRRYYYYY! I just got done with exams and I slaved over at 2 in the morninng on Christmas Eve trying to get my brain to do something. I PROMISE A CHAPTER WITHIN NEXT WEEK SINCE I AM TRAVELLING AND WILL HAVE TIME!!!! Love you guys so much and thx for being patient with my sorry butt XD.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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