Chp.4 Kidnapped

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Lloyd's POV

It was boring without anyone here. And it hurts my throat to talk, I miss my friends

The doctor took me to the surgery room and put a mask on me. I got sleepier, and sleepier, and sleepier..... til I finally blacked out.

I woke up, and checked the time. It was 4 am. It's what like 7 hours til they can visit?

I pressed the call doctor button. Maybe I can have a mask so I can sleep?

A doctor came in, he looked suspicious. And not just looks but the fact it was 4 am.

I don't know what I was expecting, as I've never been to a hospital.

But his looks. He had messy hair, one of his lenses were broken on his glasses. And his doctor robes were ripped.

"Y-yes?! " he said, seeming to be in a hurry. I couldn't trust him, I remember one thing my father said 'Go with your gut. '

"Ooh wrong room. I didn't call a doctor. " I tried to make him leave. But he gave me a 'Do you think I'm dumb? ' Look

Oh crap, I screwed up. He went up to my bed and put a mask on me, how did he know that was what I wanted.

Not much time to think I lost consciousness

Jay's POV

I woke up, it was 11 am. CRAP! I SLEPT IN!

I ran past the ones who lost the dice bet. I flew my jet, I saw Sensei Wu and Nya. Thank goodness, they were walking. I landed it near them and walked with them

When we entered the hospital, Sensei went to the receptionist "Lloyd Garmadon. "

She scrolled through. "Uhmm uhh... S-sorry but he... he went missing last night."

HE WHAT?! "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING?! " I said pounding my fist on the desk. Startling the receptionist.

"EEP! " She said as she fell out of her chair, Nya helping her up "Jay! " Nya said.

The receptionist pointed to the tv with shaking hands.

The news was on, the reporter said "I'm standing right in front of the hospital, where a patient. 'Lloyd Garmadon' was kidnapped. "

He said. Kidnapped? Who would kidnap him!

I looked to Sensei and Nya who gave a equally worried face.

"We need to alert the others. " Nya said. "I have my jet! " I say, bringing out my nunchunks

Sensei nods, as we run out side and i make the jet.

They hop on and we rush to them. But they already knew as Cole was watching the news and told the others

They were in the bridge. Trying to find some trace or clue of his disappearance. "Okay, Me, Nya, and Jay will go to the hospital to look for clues, Cole you and Kai will stay here to handle any other emergencies. Let's go! " Zane said.

So we flew to the hospital, Zane went to the security office to play some video, as Nya and I went into his room

"Look! The gas mask is missing. " Nya pointed out. She's right, the kidnapper must have put him to sleep so he wouldn't scream.

"Okay... but how do we track down the gas mask? " I asked, as Zane spoke on the speaker "Jay, and Nya. Come to the security office. "

We ran to the office where Zane was looking at footage "Watch closely. "

It shows, A man putting on ripped clothes, and glasses. And running inside the room.

Than a couple seconds later he comes out holding Lloyd. With the gas mask still on him.


Nya rubbed my back to calm me down.

She kissed my cheek which made me calm down. I was so stressed thou, where is Lloyd... What are those people planning to do?

Lloyds POV

I woke up to be in a chamber. Glass and metal and all. It was lit up with a light in the top.

I was banging on the door, yelling for someone... I don't know why I would expect someone to come I was kidnapped.

I looked around, there was a bunch of chambers. Some with.... d-dead bodies... One drowned, one was vaporized, one had no air... I-i...

I looked to a window, it was the man who kidnapped me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?! " I yell as he says "Don't worry. Since you're the green ninja I can't even kill you. But, I will use you. However a child is pretty much worthless so-"

He kept pressing some buttons before pulling a lever. After that gas filled the tank. I was coughing, I can't b-breathe.... B-breathe.....

I felt tingly, I was annoyed this was my 3rd time being knocked out!

But I felt weird right before I blacked out.. Kinda like I was... growing?

When I woke up I had these things attached to me and I was strapped to a chair. I swear if I'm knocked out again!

But, wait... I was... I was bigger. I had longer legs and my outfit actually fit me. Good, now I'm a teenager! Bad, I'm still kidnapped.

"OH COME ON! " I yell as the guy was next to a doctor. He had red goggles on and messed up teeth, black slick hair and 4 electronic legs.

He looked like Cyrus but he wouldn't betray ninja go. Would he?

"Oh don't worry Lloyd. We won't hurt you, we're just using you. For our own benefits. Now tell us, what happened to you in the past. "

I wasn't gonna answer. But I felt, like I was happy to talk to him, I felt calm talking to him.. As if he was my dad or something.

"I-i was left at a boarding school by my mother, she abandoned me as a baby. It was hard being at the boarding school as I was being picked on a lot. Than I got kicked out... I wanted revenge so I turned a new leaf and dedicated to being just like my dad, when deep down I didn't really want to be like him. I unleashed 3 serpentine tombs, The Hypnobrai, The fangpyre, and the Anacondrai. But only 1 survived as the others died. His name his pythor, They all tricked me. I met the ninja who took me in, and trained me to fight my father. " I said, feeling warm about being honest.

I have no idea what he's planning to do or why I felt like telling him all about me.

(You'll just have to figure out in the next chapter. This came out way earlier than expected, heh... Well be prepared for Chapter 5. Test Subject. Bye! )

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