Chapter 1

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Back with another story for you guys! This is completely separate to my other stories, so it's just another Bradga story I wanted to write! Hope you guys enjoy it!

It's set during ASIB time, but going to be much different to It's all in the Look. Bc in none of my stories did I ever really have Bradga be with Irina or Carino. And if I did it was for such a short time, so I want to play around with that idea.. This is going to much more flirty, secretive, dramatic and all that jazz!

"Hi you." Stefani tiredly yawned as she brought Bradley in for a hug. Meeting him on the private jet, bringing them to a different location for the movie.

"Hi Stef." He smiled. Two days without seeing the woman he grew so found of, being too much. "Are you good? You look tired?"

"Just didn't get much sleep to be honest." She sighed.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"Just Christian."

They don't talk much about their partners, so her bringing his name up was quite the surprise to Bradley. He didn't really know what to say. So she said something instead.

"Don't worry, just got in an argument." Adding the word "again" quietly, which he didn't miss.

"I'm sorry Stef."

"Anyway, how are you? I don't want to talk about him right now." She smiled.

"I'm okay, Irina is away, so I've had the house to myself, been peaceful." He laughed. A strange word to use when describing your girlfriend being away.

"God I look a mess." She giggled looking at herself in her camera on her phone.

"No you don't."

"I really do."

"You look beautiful." He said. She looked at him. Smiling. She didn't know what to say this time. Sarah and Frederic, her makeup and hair stylists, watched from the seats across the way. Both giving each other a look.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

"Go to sleep, it's a two hour flight, a nap can go a long way."

"Yeah I'll try." She nodded sinking down further into the recliner chair, pulling the blanket up higher over her. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. And for her head to fall on to Bradley's shoulder. He didn't mind. In fact he liked having her so close to him. In fact it was so cosy, he even fell asleep himself.

"What's all that about?" Sarah whispered to Fred.

"They're always like that." He said simply, not seeing why now was any different.

"I just worry about her."

"We all do, but she's okay."

"For now." She said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"She's with Christian, but I'm not sure her heart is with him." She raised her eyebrows to Fred. Saying what she's implying with her face.

"You don't think?"

"No I don't think they're actually doing anything, but I know Stef, you know Stef. Her heart is huge, and I just worry she'll soon realise what I think, and that's.. that she's with the wrong man. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"You think she should be with Bradley?" He asked.

"I mean I can totally see it. And I think deep down they can too. But Irina and Chris, it's not going to end nicely. Someone's going to get hurt."

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