Chapter 7

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So sorry for such a long wait for this chapter, I was busy with exams!!! And studying...Finally done though😊 so summer vacation will allow me to write more 💜!!! ty for all the love 😍!!!!

Sarah pulled up outside Stefani's house. They had an early start this morning, and she offered to collect her on the way. Her best friend has been off for so many days, and she just wants to be there for her, even if Stefani is not ready to share what's going on, with her.

"Hey babe." She smiled, as the brunette hopped into the car. Looking more tired than usual. An expression of total blankness spread across her bare face.

"Hey. Thanks for collecting me." She nodded. Sitting in properly, pulling the seatbelt across her.

The drive to set was quiet. Sarah saying little things here and there, and an occasional nod or light laugh from Stefani, at most. Sarah more than anything, wanted to stop the car, and confront her friend. Demand to know what's wrong. But she couldn't do that. She knew Stefani too well. When she's ready she'll talk, and pestering her to get answers is just going to push her away. She let the silence take over. She placed her hand on her leg, and gave it a reassuring squeeze, before placing it back on the wheel. Stefani smiled slightly and looked back out the window.

Not long after she found herself back in the ever so familiar makeup chair. Fred left after finishing her hair to get some breakfast. Leaving her alone with Sarah again.

"Did you eat this morning?" Sarah asked, knowing that if she knows Stefani at all, then she didn't.

She nodded. Scrolling through her phone.

"You sure you don't want a coffee or anything? I can ask Fred to bring one back?"

"No I'm good." She nodded.

Sarah worries about her a lot. She didn't want her to just neglect herself completely. She had to eat. She's realised she's been skipping meals a lot recently. "Are you sure babe? You have a long day ahead."

"Can you stop walking on eggshells around me, I said I ate already just drop it." Stefani knew she was snapping at the wrong people, and she knew she really should eat. But ever since it all blew up, she couldn't stomach anything. She had a constant feeling of nausea. A constant pain.

Sarah dropped it. Changing the subject immediately. "So how you feeling about the scene today?"

Stefani sighed. "Uhm, I don't even know which scene we're doing." She lightly laughed. But Sarah didn't. It was extremely unlike her to show up to work, not even knowing what scene she was doing.

"It's the bath tub scene. It's a love scene. The one where you stick the fake eyebrows on him." Sarah said. She watched as Stefani looked down to her knees.

"Oh yeah, least there's no lines." She lightly joked. Sarah knelt down in front of her. Reminding her of the night with Bradley.


She looked at her. Not saying anything. She took it as her go ahead to continue. "I know you're sick of me asking you, but you're not okay. There's something bothering you, and it has been for days now, and as your friend and someone who wants to be here for you and worries a lot about you, I want you to tell me what's going on. Let me help you."

Stefani felt her eyes tear up. It's hard keeping everything to herself. Yeah she can talk to her mom and sister, but there's only so much, you can say to your family members.

"I can't do this right now. Because I won't get through this scene if I talk about it now. But I'll talk to you afterwards." She nodded. Sarah felt some relief in her stomach. This is the most emotion Stefani has shown in days, and finally she's getting through to her a little bit.

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