Chapter 2

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Wow I love you guys sooooo much!! The response to chapter 1 alone was crazy, I can't believe it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you don't know how much you're nice comments motivate me! Wouldn't be writing still if it wasn't for all you! Ily💜

The next morning Stefani woke in a sweat. The kind of sweat where a dream was cut just too short. Given her encounter with Bradley last night, she wasn't surprised that her mind finished what her body wished it did. It wasn't the first sex dream she had about him, and it certainly wasn't going to be the last. She knew what they were doing was wrong. But her sense of right and wrong tended to disappear whenever she was around Bradley.

She checked her phone. The usual apology text from Christian. She didn't even bother opening it right now. Then a text from Bradley.

"Last night was fun, let's do it again sometime.. see you at breakfast."

She knew he was implying something deeper than how it looked. Because in reality they always hang out, so saying it like 'let's do it again sometime' is his way of leaving her know, that he meant exactly what she thought he meant.

The flirting seemed so intensified lately. That should probably worry an engaged woman. But it did the exact opposite. It lit her up. Fuelled her. Made her feel ecstatic when walking into a room to him.

"Morning." She smiled, as made her way down to the dining hall. Surprised to see more of her colleagues and friends then she anticipated. Bradley, Sarah, Fred and Bobby obviously, but also some crew members, some cameramen, and some of Jackson's band. She took a seat of course next to Bradley. They all said their hellos and retreated back to conversation with each other.

"Morning." She smirked as she felt Bradley's eyes on her.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Hmm mmm." She had a smug expression plastered across her face, as she looked at the menu. Even doing the simplest things, she still had so much hold over him. And she knew it.

"You leaving me like that last night was quite mean you know." He whispered.

"Well then maybe you have to learn to control yourself cowboy." She said with a twinkle in her eyes. Enough to make him take a gulp.

"What if I didn't want to." He chanced.

"I can't control how you feel." She smirked.

Touché. He thought to himself.

"So what's up today?" One of the cameramen asked.

"Shallow, parking lot scene." Bradley said. "That's all for today, because I want to try a couple things.. and then tomorrow we have Ally's two performance .. you know the pop ones."

"Location for the parking lot scene is close by right?" Sarah asked.

"Two minutes away." Bradley nodded.

"We'll get you cute ass up babe, we'll do your hair and makeup here."

Causing Bradley to look at Sarah. "Or I mean no makeup." She added, knowing Bradley wanted to keep Stefani completely bare from makeup for this process.

"Chill.. she only fills my eyes brows in and puts some mascara on.. don't worry no actual makeup." Stefani giggled at Bradley's reaction.

An hour later they were on location. Stefani dressed as Ally. Or maybe as the real Stefani, she often questioned. She felt so connected to Ally in a way she's never felt before to a roll. She guessed it was because she is Ally. Or at least was. She can relate to every part of her.

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