Chapter 11.

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I'm the worst I know! I apologise for making you wait so very long for an update, but work and getting ready for Uni have been insane! So thank you to each and everyone of you for being so patient.❣️
I have a question for you. Out of my 3 current stories, which would you like to see me focus more on now that I have more time to write? I want to give you all what you want! So let me know☺️

"I miss you." She sighed, as she held her phone between her ear and shoulder, closing the laptop screen, to lie down comfortably on the sofa.

"I miss you so much, I don't know if I can go another day without seeing you. I don't know what to do with myself." Bradley chuckled on the other end of the phone.

"I know me either, can you believe there's people who actually enjoy days off work?" She teased.

"Guess those people don't get what we get when we go to work." He joked. Which made her giggle. It was true.

"Bradley!" She shook her head, smiling at the ceiling.

"At least I'll see you tomorrow, for that cast dinner at Sams right?"

"You betcha." She giggled.

"What are you up to for the day?"

"Nothing, might just have some alone time with my type writer, I think she misses me. Feeling extra creative lately."

"Oh you are? The movie atmosphere helping out you think?"

"That and other things." She smiled. This point in a new relationship, was always a creative time for her. That fuzzy, warm feeling. A feeling of utter content. The exciting idea of love. That of course, and the opposite part of her real, yet suffocating relationship with her fiancé. Which in itself was the loneliness feeling she's ever experienced. In short terms, she had a lot of emotions running through her body recently, and it made for some pretty damn good song writing.

"It makes me happy to see you so in touch with your music. It's a gift to watch." He smiled to himself, imagining her little face of concentration while her hands typed away creating the magic she always does.

"You're sweet." She blushed.

"I have to go Stef, Irina and Lea are back." He said less enthusiastically, than his previous tone.

"That's okay babe." She sighed. She hated this. But for now, this was more than enough. "Bye baby."

He sighed out. He knew, she knew how much he loved hearing her call him baby. It was the most pleasant sound he could think of.

"Bye Stef." He said simply. "I love you." He said quieter, before hanging up the phone. Leaving her drop her phone to her stomach, leaving out a much needed moan. It was frustrating, having to hide the one thing that made her feel sane. She just kept telling herself it wouldn't always be this way.

As if on cue, there came Christians car pulling into their driveway. She wasted no time, grabbing a bottle of water, and her type writer and making her way quickly to her studio at the back of her house. He usually left her alone when she was in there.

This was no relationship. Certainly wasn't an engagement. They were just two people living under the same roof now. Although neither of them say that. He's always angry and jealous. She's always just exhausted from him. It was a living hell.

She wanted him to leave her alone, and leave her alone he did. She managed to spend 4 hours in there, that always felt like 4 minutes, when she was on a fast roll. She looked at the countless pages in front of her. Sometimes she doesn't even realise how much she's produced until she takes a second to breathe. She smiled to herself. She didn't know where or if she would ever use any of this of course. But one stood out to her. She thinks it might fit in to A Star Is Born somehow. At least she thinks it suits Ally. She might run it past Bradley sometime.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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