Chapter 10.

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Took all your requests into consideration, so hope this reaches them all!😊✨ I love the feedback, keep it coming sweeties🧡🧡🧡

Stefani giggled as Bradley closed the door behind him, kicking it with his foot. Picking her up into his arms, as she responded by leaving out a gasp, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Bradley!" She squealed as he squeezed her ass. Pulling his lips back to hers. Being close as humanly possible, wasn't even enough for them. It was like a never ending need for more, something you would never get tired of.

She opened her eyes as she pulled her head away. Her two hands toying with his hair. Taking a look at him. There was no such thing as looking at him too much. He was beautiful. Not only in the typical handsome way, but every little feature, amazed her. In that moment, she knew this is exactly what love was supposed to feel like. Even though the circumstance wasn't perfect, she did feel extremely lucky to have this feeling right now in this moment. She wondered how many people went through their lives without really getting to feel what this feels like.

"You okay?" He smiled softly.

"Just taking it in." She nodded, running her thumb back and forth on his cheek. She looked into the huge hotel bathroom. "What do you say we go take a nice shower?" She smirked.

"I would say I could really do with a shower." He teased. As she shimmied down from his arms, walking backwards into the bathroom, his hand in hers. The look plastered across her face- a mixture of the most sexiest lip bite he's ever seen, along with the cutest and most content expression. God she had a hold over him. A hold he's never experienced before, and he never wanted it to end.

"Don't think the showers big enough." Stefani joked, looking at the overly large walk in shower. Probably could have held twenty people at a time, she thought to herself.

"Meh it will do." He teased. Pulling her back into him. Wrapping his arms around her waist. Kissing her softly, and slowly. She pulled his suit jacket and shirt off, without leaving his lips. She smiled into his kiss, as she ran her hands down his chest, and back up his arms, shoulders, around his neck.

His hand found the zip at the back of her outfit, wasting no time in pulling it right down, as she stepped out of it. Completely naked. "What do you do to me." He shook his head. Watching as she smiled as she felt his hands trail down her side, and hips. She unbuckled his trousers, pulling his underwear off.

"I like what I do to you." She whispered teasingly, guiding him into the large shower, the water now running. As he shut the glass door after them. He cupped her face, kissing her open mouthed, their tongues dancing in sync, devouring one another. She gasped as he pushed her back up against the cold tiled wall. Kissing every part of her. From her lips, to her neck, to her collarbone, of course not missing her breasts. "Jesus Christ." She whispered. Her head resting against the tiles, her hand in his hair. Her hips buckled as his tongue rang down her stomach, leaving trails of kisses. She let out a breathy moan as his mouth met her desired heat. "Please." She nodded. He waisted no time exploring her with his tongue, as she threw one leg over his shoulder, her hand on his head, as his tongue and fingers did their work. "Harder." She pushed his head, as her did as he was told. Feeling on fire as he listened to her guttural moans, looking up at her in adoration as he watched her crumble above him.

His lips trailed their way back up her stomach, eventually meeting her lips, as he smiled as he felt her rapidly raising chest against his. She lightly bit at his lip, as her hand found his treasured area. Teasingly running up and down. "Stef." He sighed in satisfaction. She smirked, dropping to her knees. As her tongue met his hardened dick. Then her whole mouth, as her hand confined to work too. He thought he was going to collapse from satisfaction. He's  never felt so turned on in whole life, than in this very moment.

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