chapter 11

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hii guys... how r u all?its long time, i know... but as all of you know or not, my place was hit by cyclone, 'Fani' and it was horrible. no electricity , no mobile network for many days. still repairing is going addition we all have our personal life to entangle with. so gotta busy with that. hopefully, you all remember me. 

so here is the next will be When present met past? Do check that story..that is one of its kind as per my thought. thank you..let me know your views, as i dont know what i wrote, its really a long gap..


"Meet me."

Samaira was so intently looking at those two words from hours as if her life was stuck there.

"She asked me to meet! Can you believe it?"She said to Manya with hyper excitement who just entered the room.

"I know. You chant it like nth time from two hours." Manya replied smiling while making her bed forsleep, 'I am happy for you sister and please don't do any sort of blunder in your excitement.'

"I won't. Never ever." Samaira said slowly yet firmly still looking at her phone with millions of dream.

Samaira's daze broke with Manya's curse and annoyance filled intonation. She threw her phone to corner and went out of room with sudden unwanted gloominess, which was new sight to Samaira. Ever since that fateful day, Samaira felt her little sister grew more mature than she grew and become more reasonable than the family imagined.

What's bothering Manya? Samaira wondered while picking up Manya's phone. On one social networking site , there was a picture uploaded by Ankush with Priya and a caption which said 'to lift up the spirit of my most gorgeous client' and both are laughing like there was no tomorrow.

'what's going on? Manya have feelings for Ankush?' Samaira noted that in mind to ask her later. Then it's needed to pacify her sister.

Sourav returned from his business deal just few moments ago, only to witness a completely different scenario was waiting for him where he left. Priya left Mumbai without informing anyone and Radhika was complaining about that to him as if that was a biggest crime ever Priya did. In addition, the jolly Rajeev was all-silent which was his out of character.

"How could Di do this to me? She literally poured water on my all hopes. I just can't believe it. God!" Radhika again chimed the same mantra by placing her hand on her forehead. She was clearly irritated and tensed, that was visible.

"This doesn't make sense." Rajiv blabbed in his own tune being oblivious of her intention.

"Yeah. I know."

"I'm afraid that you both are talking about two different things." Sourav interrupted both of them thoughtfully.

"No? Is it?" both questioned at once looking at each other.

"About Di?"

"About Mrs Malhotra?"

Radhika and Rajiv pointed out their respective thoughts that pricked them.

"Gosh, not again."

Before that become an endless argument session Sourav put an interruption.

"That's not important now. I have something to confess." Sourav said with enthusiasm, which reflected in his eyes how happy he was.

That statement made both nut-heads curious.

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