wedding bells

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"come on y/n, we've got to get you ready like now!" mary says, rushing into mine and rogers room.

"woah girls!" roger suddenly says. "we could have been, like totally doing it right now."
"yes well your not" veronica replies sassily. "so come on! you both need to get ready for your big day. chop chop!"
"okay okay, i'm going calm down." roger puts his hands up in surrender, making me giggle.

"woah put some clothes on mate" chrissie says, putting her hand out to cover her sight of roger.
"well you all told me to get out so no." roger says back.

he turns to me and smiles, "see you later my love." he winks. i smile and wave (smile and wave boys, smile and wave.. sorry) "bye darlin" and i blow him a kiss his way.

today was all about me and roger and it's going to be the happiest day of my life. we're getting fucking married!

"come on bride! we need to get you ready." mary says.
"i need to shower first" i tell them all. "so while i do that could you girls get the makeup and hair stuff ready?" i ask.
"of course." chrissie says.

i thank the girls and walk into the bathroom. i run the shower to let it warm up while i get undressed. i walk into the shower and wash my hair and my body and then rinse it.

once i'm finished i get out and put my hair up in a towel to soak up the water still in it and i put a towel around my body so i'm not nude obviously.

i walk back into my room and see roger and chrissie, veronica and mary trying to get him out.

"you're not meant to be in here!" i fret.
"i can't find my glasses love!" roger says "i'm trying to find them, but your bridesmaids keep pushing me out of the door."

"let him find his glasses girls" i tell them. they do so and he looks for them.
"ah you little shit hiding under the bed." he says, picking them up. i laugh and push him out.

"i'll see you later." i kiss him and shut the door.
"right then girls. do what you gotta do" i say.

a few hours later and i'm all ready. dress on, hair curled and let down loose, not too much makeup as i don't like to be caked in it and gorgeous white heels.

the three girls quickly get changed, their hair and makeup already been done hours ago.

freddie obviously got us limos to the church, classic freddie and us girls were going there first so roger didn't see me until the ceremony.

the girls come back in looking gorgeous as ever and i squeal.
"you all look so nice oh my god!"
"girl have you seen yourself!?" veronica exclaims.
"oh shut up." i laugh.

we hear the beep of a car horn outside and freddie walks in, "girls your limo is he- wow you all look amazing!" we all giggle like little girls and thank freddie. "and don't worry, we locked roger in the kitchen so he doesn't see you."
"you're not planning on keeping him there are you?" i joke.
"aw fuck, you caught me." freddie jokes back and i laugh.

"come on girls, let's go get married!" i say walking out.
"i mean, you're the one getting married, but okayyy" mary says.
"oh you know what i mean."

~skip to ceremony~

here we go, i think to myself. i couldn't feel more happier right now. freddie starts to walk me down the isle, the wedding music playing. we walk into the massive room and everyone turns to us including roger.

as soon as his eyes land on me his jaw drops. i smile and do a little sign to close his mouth. he realises and quickly does.

i felt very self conscious as everyone's eyes were on me and freddie could tell.
"you look beautiful, y/n" he whispers. "you don't need to feel self conscious."
"thanks freddie." i smile and i feel better after that.

we get to the front and freddie stands with brian, john and jim on rogers side and chrissie, mary and veronica stand together on my side.

i hold rogers hand and squeeze it comfortingly. i look at him and smile. he looked so handsome.

"we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite roger meddows taylor and y/n y/m/n y/l/n in marriage." the priest starts. i smile uncontrollably.

rogers pov
i look at y/n, who was smiling the biggest most brightest smile ever. she looked so beautiful as she always does. i'm so lucky to be marrying the woman that i love the most.

"marriage is the promise between two people who love each other and who trust in that love, who honour each other as individuals and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together." the priest carries on.

"this ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. it is a symbol of how far you have come these past few years. it is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. no matter what challenges you face, you now face the together and no matter how much you succeed you now succeed together. the love between you joins you now as one. the bride and groom have a few words to share." (thank you google)

i turn to y/n and take a deep and shaky breath. she smiles a warming smile to me, making me feel more confident.

"y/n, the first night i met you, in that bar the night smile were playing i felt different. a good different. you looked beautiful, but then again when do you never?" y/n chuckles and so does everyone else.

"i can't tell you how much i frickin love you! it's unreal! i love your smile, your eyes, your hair is gorgeous, your laugh, personality sense of humour, hell i could go on forever, but unfortunately we're not here for that long are we? maybe i could show you how much i love you later, if you know what i mean." i wink and everyone laughs, y/n gasps and lightly hits my chest blushing like mad.

"keep it pg will you roger!" she jokes, making me and again, everyone else in the room laugh.
"these two are just hilarious!" freddie says.
"uh, do you mind?" i say jokingly.
"oops sorry, carry on carry on." (as if nothing really mattersss)

"roger meddows taylor." she starts. "where do i start with you eh? well i could say the same thing, that night at the bar jesus, i thought you were an angel." i chuckled and she continued.

"i thought you were incredible and you are incredibly talented. your vocals, your drumming skills, your underrated guitar skills." i smile and rub her hands with my thumbs.

"i love your personality, your smile, your laugh, basically everything you named about me. oh and your hair is fun to play with too." everyone laughs at her comment. "i hope you all didn't take that the wrong way." she points her finger to everyone and chuckles.

"marrying you is going to be the best decision of my life and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. whatever will come out way, we will get through it together no matter what." i was actually on the verge of tears, but i had to keep them in.

"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, do you take roger meddows taylor to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asks. i look at y/n as she says "i do."

"and do you, roger meddows taylor, take y/n y/m/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" she looks into my eyes and i say "i do."

"and by the power vested by me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride." our lips smash together and everyone cheers and claps.

"my two best friends are married!" freddie runs to the front and cheers. me and y/n laugh at his goofiness and keep each other in our arms for as long as we can.
words: 1420

this took sooo long to write, i think it took like an hour and i was going to write more, but nah, i hope you enjoyed it tho :)

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