a night at the bar

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it was another typical night at the bar. the same old things going on, shitty bands playing, people falling over all over the place, sometimes fights going on, but i enjoyed it.

i was a barmaid at the local pub on the corner of the street, every day apart from monday's and tuesday's and apparently tonight a new band was playing here. i think my boss told me they were called queen.

a bit of an unusual name for a band don't you think? queen? as in her royal majesty? either way i just hope they're good, it would be a nice change for once.

the lights dimmed and the spotlights were shining on the stage. four men come out and introduce themselves. i was too busy working so i didn't really pay attention to what they were saying until they started playing.

i started to bop my head to the music as i served customers and gathered empty glasses from tables and soon enough they had finished.

they were a really good band in my opinion and by every glance i got on them it looked like they had good fashion sense too. they went backstage to put their instruments back and after, they came back out.

a blonde man approached the bar and sat down on a free stool.
"alright?" i say, greeting the young man. i have to say he was quite attractive, but i was good at hiding it.

"yeah, thanks. you?" he says back, his arm leaning on the bar counter, back slouching slightly.

"i'm good thanks, you want a drink i suppose?" i get a glass out ready to take his order.
"yeah can i have a pint of beer please love?" he turns his head to the side and looks out into the crowd and i pour him his beer.

i took this time to study his face a little. he had light pink lips that were painted perfectly on his face, his skin was totally clear, no spots, no marks nor stubble which was great because i hated men with stubble. his nose was shaped a cute way. it was rather pointy at the end and it was much more noticeable than other people's when it moved as he spoke.

i loved his hair too. it was blonde, messy and careless, just draped over his smallish shoulders and can i just say.. his teeth are perfect too. nothing more to say about them apart from that.

he turns back around and i dart my eyes to anywhere but him. handing me a five pound note, i give him his drink and he takes it.
"keep the change" he tells me. i nod and put it in the cash box.

"so you play with that band eh? you're pretty good. way better than the other bands that perform here that's for sure." i say.

"yeah, and thanks. i'm the drummer if you didn't noticed. i saw you were quite busy." the thought of him watching me while he played gave me a shiver. it was a good shiver though.

"yeah, this place is always packed. is this your first time here?" i ask.
"yeah it is. how'd you notice? surely you don't study every single person who comes here." the blonde jokes, making me chuckle slightly.

"i'm not a stalker i swear. i've just never seen you here before s'all." i shrug. he nods again and takes another sip of his beer.
"excuse me, i've just got to get some glasses from some tables." i say and come round from behind the bar to gather more glasses.

thankfully this place shuts in half and hour, but it was my turn this week to clean up. each staff member had their own day to clean up whenever they were working.


that half an hour finally came and i rang the bell to announce that we were closing for the night. it was four am and i just wanted to sit down on a comfortable piece of furniture.

everyone soon shuffles out, some falling more than others and i lock the doors.

the blonde comes back from the loo, me somehow totally forgetting about him and he sits back down.

"still here i see blondie" i comment, getting the broom to sweep up the little 'dance floor' i suppose you could call it.

"blondie?" he smirks.
"yeah, i don't really know your name so i'll call you blondie." i smile, sweeping up.

"oh shit. i'm roger, roger taylor." he puts his hand out and he kisses my hand gently. what a gentleman. i never really would have expected that from a rock star to be honest.

"y/n" i tell him. "you're quite the gentleman aren't you roger?"
"not really. i'm more of a ladies man." he tells me honestly.

"really? i didn't see you with any ladies tonight." i chuck the rubbish i had swept up into a bin bag and get the spray and cloth to clean the tables.

roger just hums and looks away. he was hiding something.
"here, let me do that." he says, holding out his hands to take the spray and cloth from my hands.

"oh it's okay, this is what i get paid for, so i do it." i chuckle.
"let me help you in any way then. what else needs doing?" i'm not sure what he's trying to do right now.

"oh uh, just to clean the bar counter and then i can go home." i say, looking over to the bar.

"no problem." he says and grabs another spray and cloth and begins to wipe the counter.


"right all done! i can finally go home!" i say, chucking the stuff back in the cupboard and grabbing my stuff.

"um, y/n?" roger says, walking up to me.
"yeah?" i say.

"call me tomorrow?" he asks, holding out a piece of paper for me to take.

i smile. "okay. yeah, definitely" i happily take the paper and put it in my purse.
"great!" roger starts to walk towards the door, me following behind.

i lock the doors and turn to roger.
"i guess i'll speak to you and maybe see you tomorrow then blondie." i say.

"yeah, maybe you could come round to mine or vise versa?" he says.
"okay, i'll call you in the morning and we can sort something out yeah?" i tell roger. he nods and bids me farewell and i do the same.

and that was the start of something very special..
of course i begin to get ideas when i ask to leave request smh, you guys have some good ideas though, some different which is good. i'll begin to write them as soon as i can as i have exams at the moment.

i had my first exam yesterday which was biology and physics in one paper and i'm pretty sure i've failed :)

i guess you could say i'm just a dumb fuck lol.

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