who's this blonde bitch? part five

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today was the day that we were leaving. i enjoyed having them here, watching them record songs and also doing different activities with them. playing pool, tennis, riding the horses..

my parents didn't take the news too well but i told them exactly what roger told me. i'm a grown woman and i can do whatever the fuck i want. they told me that i hardly know the boys and anything could happen to me, but i felt safe with them. they're like my second family and i consider them as that and same goes for them, they consider me family.

me and freddie were growing close too, which i loved. he was such a joy to be around and there was never a dull moment around him. i also started talking to john a bit too, but we're not as close as me and freddie and me and roger. brian, i also spoke to here and there. he's teaching me how to play guitar since it's my second favourite instrument to play, the first being piano, which i can already play a little. i'm still learning though.

"it's been a pleasure having you boys here." my mum smiles at the boys. my dad wasn't in the best of moods since i too was leaving.
"thank you so much mrs y/l/n for having us." freddie thanks.
"no problem" she replies. the boys thank my dad and sister too and head onto the bus waving goodbye.

i walk to my family nervously, roger waiting next to the bus for me. the past few weeks he's been here with me, he's asked me to be his girlfriend and i obviously told him yes!

"well i guess this is it." i say, bag in hand ready to go.
"oh darling, we'll miss you so much" my mum says. she took the situation better than my dad i can tell you. "do good things and we'll be sure to visit you when we can okay?" she gives me a hug and i tell her that i love her.

my sister was next to say goodbye to.
"i'll miss you bitch" i say playfully.
"oi" my mum says. she always hated when i swore at my sister even when i was joking about. i eventually just did it to annoy her.
"i'll miss you too hoe." she replies. my mum sighs at our use of language but we ignore and smile.

then my dad. the one who took the situation the worst.
"i'm sorry this isn't what you want dad." i say. he sighs, "go and live your life, be careful and tell that fella of yours if he treats you badly at any time he will be dealing with me." i look back at roger, who smiles that gorgeous smile at me. i smile back.
"oh he won't. he loves me. thank you for finally understanding dad." i hug him and turn towards the massive bus.

i look back at them before getting onto the bus.
"bye! i love you all!" i shout, waving. they all shout bye and love you and roger takes my bag in his hand and wraps his arm around my waist. something i love him doing.
"you ready?" he asks.
"let's do this shit" i say and kiss him on the lips.

we get onto the bus and sit down. i run to the window and as the vehicle starts to move i wave a last goodbye in which they wave back. and so it begins.
words: 589

so this little series i suppose you could call it has finished and i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you enjoy more imagines i will be posting :)

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