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~My POV~
My name is Erwina Chee. I go to high school and meet my old and new friends from time to time. I'm 17 years old. I'm a Navajo and I have tannish-white skin. I have an unique talent and skills that no body knows that I can make art. I'm like a nerd/artist/student at all times, with brown roundish-curve glasses and long dark reddish-brown hair in a messy ponytail. I have trouble, what so ever. I help people who sees me in my sad moments. Especially my very special best friend, her name's Waunuleta Ann Wauneka. She was like a sister to me, that understands my feelings and many more that I can do anything. But on the last day of sophomore year, she told me that she's moving to Texas to see her family and goes to school there. I missed her so much that I cried so much, but I have to stay strong for her all the way. I tried to fit in, but always been the silent type. On the outside I stayed happy, but the inside I felt all down and lost without my bestest friend and always stayed an outfitter, forever. It's what I truly am. But my favorite show helps me cheer up a lot. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I missed them so much. I just only wish I could be there for them. I just got home from school and today's the last day of my Junior year. Yep, good-bye junior and hello senior. "Greetings, dear brothers." I said with my cool Yoda voice. Two boys, both black haired, 15 and 10 year old looked at me, but waved and went back to watching 'Brum'. I sighed silently, walked to put the brown purse up, adjusting my glasses to the right place, went to my room, changed into my blue shorts and my dark gray tank top with a black heart on it and went to do a chore like pairing socks. After I'm done, I heard the car drove up as I got off my bed and went to the window to see the red Chevy Cruze drove in by my parents. I see the trunk opened as I felt there's groceries inside. I went outside to grab the groceries and I heard my parents arguing again. I wanted to help, but I have to stay off their business. So I sighed and closed the trunk. I walked inside and place the groceries down on the table in the kitchen. I walked to my bedroom and close the door behind me to see my favorite animations and reality movies and TV shows that I really can't explain. I turned on my stereo and go to my music and pressed to play 'Set It All Free by Scarlett Johansson from the animation movie Sing' as I sulk down onto my bed, grabbed my favorite three stuffed dolls, which are the Powerpuff Girls, and hugged them tight. I had them for 16 years since I was one. "Another day, another episode of my favorite from all favorites." I said as I grabbed my phone, go to the app of 'Cartoon TV', go to 'Cartoon', scroll to the letter 'T' and see my favorite show. "Haven't watch this for a while now." I said as I looked into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and turn my phone to the side, it auto-rotate to its position and I see all my favorite episodes till I see the new episode. 'What?! How did it-? I thought the series are over for this, *gasps* unless-.' I thought as I pressed the episode 'Start over with a new character with issues'. I was ready to watch it but nothing happened. "Uh, I have a bad feeling about this." I said to my stuffed dolls as I threw my phone to the carpet floor. Then whiteness appeared as I covered my eyes and glasses because it's too bright. I screamed because of my head. I heard my brothers screamed. I passed out with a thud. 'Please help us.' I thought as I can see is darkness of pure black.
~Time skip~
I woke up with a headache. "Where the heck am I?" I said as I rubbed my head really slowly and adjusted my glasses to see clearly. I looked around to see that I'm in the alley. I looked at my body that I'm all 3-D version. And I'm in my light blue hoodie with my black sweatpants and black shoes on my feet. I looked up to see a Hawaiian backpack from my aunt Carla, my red almost small duffel bag from my nali grandma, my purple backpack from my high school and my three stuffed dolls. I hugged my stuffed dolls tightly. "MY BABIES!" I shouted. Thank god they're safe. I looked out of the alley to see the beautiful city. My eyes widen. 'OMG! This must be New York City, but I know this very part because of-.' I thought as I realized where I am now. My eyes widen as I stood up with my stuffed dolls in my arms. My wish and dream come true, because I'm in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles world!!!!!! "Now to find my family." I said as I unzipped my small backpack, placed the stuffed dolls into the backpack, zipped it up, placed my small bag, duffel bag and purple backpack over my shoulders and ran out of the alley to find my family.

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