Karai's Vendetta

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~At Shredder's place~
~Miwa's POV~
It screeches as it squirmed, trying to escape but but it didn't, cause of Shredder holds it by its head. "Why were you hunting the Turtles and their allies?" Shredder said before it screeches again. Oh almost forgot, Shadow was standing near the broken machine that I picked up while I sat on the crate. "Master Shredder, forgive me for interrupting you. But I've discovered the Kraang for a long while before I came to you. As they're outside of the robots, they don't talk much outside of their control areas." Shadow said before patting it at the machine. Shredder placed the brain thing inside the controller. It screeches, place its tentacles in and closes its eyes to activate the machine. Its head went up and tried to move. Without the arms and legs, it won't move. It struggles to get it moving, it tried again, but it didn't happen. But on the third time, it moved, but this time with a voicebox. "K-k-k-k-Kraang is lacking the knowledge to answer the questions that the one known as Shredder is asking of Kraang." The Kraang asked. "Do they all speak like this, Shadow?" Shredder asked Shadow before he smirked. "Yes, they do. Only I, the only guy, who knows what the Kraang are talking about." Shadow said before I glanced back at the Kraang. "Even Kraang is processing the knowledge, the one known as Shredder will never getting that knowledge from Kraang." It said again. I smirked, knowing to act along even I listen to E.C.'s words, a lot. I leaned in and act natural, with the acting part. "You didn't have any other plans for today, do you?" I asked acting. Shredder looked at me then looked at Shadow. "Let's try again. Shadow, you talk." Shredder said to Shadow. "With pleasure." Shadow said before he uses his strength to lift the Kraang up from the crate. "Answer Shredder's question or else I'll drop you. So I'm gonna asked this for our master, why were you hunting the Turtles and their allies?" Shadow asked before setting it down back on the crate. "The ones known as the Turtles and their allies are protecting two lifeforms, needed by Kraang. The ones known as April O'Neil and . . . Martin Kratt." It said. It made my eyes widen on Martin's name. 'Martin? Why do they need Martin for?' I thought to myself. "Who are those April O'Neil and Martin Kratt?" Shredder asked. "They are the ones known as the ones. They are the linkin which is missing in the plan which is the plan of Kraang." It said again. "So these April O'Neil and Martin Kratt are at the center of everything." Shadow said. "Then perhaps, we can use them to draw the rest out of hiding. Shadow, Karai, find those two and bring them to me." Shredder said before we bowed slightly and left to get April and Martin. I got worried on Martin. 'I got to warn one of them, somehow.' I thought as we kept walking.
~In Daytime At The Lair~
~My POV~
I was helping April to get her punches and kicks right by using my arm to block them as the rest are training. I dodged her punches then moved to the side. "Like this, April." I said before getting the right form on her stance. "There we go." I said before pushing my glasses back. "What ya gonna do? What ya gonna do? What ya gonna do?" Raph asked Mikey before he charges at fun-bro by running and jumped in the air. I saw Mikey got Raph unexpectedly. 'Whoa.' I thought as I saw Raph landed on the ground. Mikey got up. "Booyakasha! You got faced! Thought you have me, but I played you like a trombone." Mikey said before he intimidated like a trombone. Then Raph got up from the floor. My eyes widen as I know this episode. 'Oh, you're getting this one Mikey.' I thought to myself before Raph holds him up. "Playtime's over, tough guy." Raph said before he lift him up. "Put me down! Enough, uncle!" Mikey said, trying to get off Raph's grasp. "I don't see you tapping out." Raph said, still holding him. "I can't . . move my . . arms." Mikey said weakly before Raph squeeze him hard that made Waunu covered her eyes from the sight. "Then tap your horrible, disgusting middle toe." Raph said, before Mikey lift up his left leg and tap his middle toe. Raph dropped him onto the ground. 'Oh boy, time to fix this mess.' I thought before nudging Waunu to come with me to them. "Don't worry stubby, you're not as horrible as he says." Mikey talks to his middle toe before Waunu helps him off the ground. "Mikey, why did you give so easily?" I asked after I pushed my glasses back. Mikey looked at me. "There's nothing I can do." Mikey said. I looked at Sensei and he nodded before Erika and Miah realized what I'm doing while the Kratt brothers and the Möbians got way confused. "There is always something you can do." I said. "Like what?" Mikey asked. "Observe. Raph, kannuki jime!" I said. I went beside him. He grabbed me by the waist and lift me up from the ground. I blushed madly when I'm being lift. "The key is to unbalanced the opponent." I said before Raph is struggling a bit to hold me for long. Mikey nodded but my best friend is confused. "But how, E.C?" Waunu asked before she pushed her glasses back. "However you can, for this example." I said before I licked Raph's head. He let go of me and I took him down. I blushed because I licked Raph's head. "Whoa." Mikey said. "Amazing." Martin said as his brother and the Möbians got shocked with smiled on their faces for what I did to Raph. I chuckled a bit. "You see? There's always a way. Blech. By the way Raph, you really need to take a bath." I said before Raph groans in pain.
~Time Skip~
We're all in the living room. Raph's feeding Spike. Miah, Waunu, Erika and I gathered around and started to hum the TMNT theme song. Chris looked at us. "What are you girls humming about?" Chris asked, that made the rest looked at us. "Oh, to tell y'all the truth. We're just humming the theme song about the Turtles." I said. Mikey's eyes sparkled that made Waunu's heart beat faster. "Really?!" We nodded. "Can you sing it to all of us?! Please?!?!" I gulped and the girls got really nervous, then we looked to see the Turtles and Chris's puppy dog eyes. The girls and I sighed in defeat. "Alright, we'll sing." Miah said. The guys sit in front of us while Martin and the Möbians leaned back softly. I heard the lab doors opened, we all looked to see Donnie. "Hey, guys. Guess what April and I have been up to." Donnie said. "In a moment, Donnie. We're about to sing a theme song about you four guys." Erika said. "Wow, a theme song about them? Let's all hear it!" April said before she sits next to Tails who was shock to see her and smiles with love in his eyes along with excited Donnie. That made Miah smiled softly with a tint of light pink. We cleared our throats. "Let's see if some of us have the lyrics right." I said. Then Haley came in with our family and friends, the two agents and the three Girls. They sit down with the rest. "Hey girls, we all heard you four are gonna sing the theme song." Haley said. We nodded then we took our deep breaths. 'Here we go.' I thought before we sing this song.
~TMNT Theme Song by Nickelodeon~
Me🌊: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,

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