Martin's Official Nightmare and Comforted by Friends With A Song

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[HEAD'S UP: Some of the chapters like this one aren't part of the episode. Quick warning: Some can be short, some can be long]
~Martin's POV~
~In His Nightmare/Dream World~
I opened my eyes to see I'm in the clothing of a royalty or something. 'What the heck?! How am I in this royal stuff?' I thought as I looked at myself. Then I heard yelling. 'It's coming from outside.' I thought as I ran down the staircase and looked around my surroundings that I'm in a castle. When I ran down the staircase, I ran up to two tall doors and open it up wide to see . . . a whole army of people storming into the kingdom. 'Oh no!' I thought as I ran up to the princess in white gown. Then I saw another prince wearing the same thing as me, but with different designs and armor on him. I was ready to take out my sword, when I heard . . . 8 grunts and war cries from afar. When I look above the whole army, I can see 8 girls in sailor suits fighting off some people from getting closer to the castle. "Keep on fighting, girls! We can't let them get too close to the princess and the prince!" The girl with blonde hair with a red ribbon in an orange and blue sailor suit shouted to the 7 of them as they kept going. "Come on, men! Let's concur the moon kingdom!" A person from the crowd shouted. "The legendary silver crystal will be ours!" Another said as I placed my hand onto my chest. 'The legendary silver crystal.' I thought as I see the crowd coming closer. "Stop this! I am your prince, cease this warfare!" The prince beside us said as he raised his arms up to protect us. "Endymion! Have you turned against us?! This is all her fault!" A female voice as she blamed the princess as I see the princess in shocked. I gasped silently. 'Endymion? Is that his name, Prince Endymion?' I thought as I took my sword out and stand in front to protect the princess. "Don't blame it on her, she's my responsibility, I should be the one to be blame to shame, not the princess!" I shouted as I stay guard. "Young prince, if you blame yourself for your dumb responsibility, you'll have to pay the price!" The same voice said as I stand guard. But she said something that shocked me the most when I hear her saying. "I will destroy you both in one piece!" She said as she raised her sword up high. Then she swung it down that I yelped in fear as I hold the princess close to me and what scared me the most is . . . Endymion stand in front of me and got enslaved. Blood flew everywhere as I got scared. 'No.' I thought as the princess yelled for Endymion to wake up. After she done that, she picked up my sword that I dropped when I sank to my knees. I looked to see her place it over her chest as I yell to stop her. "No! Don't do this! This isn't your destiny!" I yelled at her. But it was too late, she stabbed herself through that she took her life away and laid down on top of Endymion and her hand hold his hand together. I gasped and my body shakes in fear. 'No, this can't be happened!' I thought as I picked up my sword and placed it over my chest also. "If you die with Endymion, . . . I'll die with you two also." I said as I stabbed myself and my whole life and world faded away as I lay on the ground next to the princess and Endymion, closed my eyes and placed my hand over theirs gently. 'Goodbye, . . . Endymion.' I thought as I can see is pure darkness.
~Dream/Nightmare ends~
I stirred in my bed, frighten and scared that I sat up and opened my eyes with fear. "NO!!!!!!" I yelled as I placed my hand over my chest. My yell was so loud, it woke the girls and Chris up. E.C, Miah and Waunuleta got their glasses from the nightstand and placed them over their eyes. Chris and Erika wiped their eyes. "What's going on?" Erika said as she yawned from her sleep. I was ready to speak, but the door just flung opened to see the turtles in their masks standing near the doorway. "What happened? We heard some yelling from your room that woke us up." Leo said as I panted in fear, looked down softly and my tears flow down my cheeks. "S-sorry." I whispered as I placed my hands over my eyes and cried softly. Then I felt my bed got heavy. When I looked up from my hands, I see E.C. sitting on my bed and she placed her hand onto my lap. "Martin, can you tell us what happen in your nightmare? I'll make you warm milk if you want." She said as I wiped my tears and smiled softly. "Thanks E.C, and will everybody wanted warm milk too? Because I accidentally woke them up, which includes you too." I said as she nods and I got out of bed to reveal my PJs, plus the girls and Chris got out of bed to reveal the PJs they're wearing for bed. E.C. stood up to reveal her PJs she's wearing for the night. The turtles walked to the kitchen and we followed them. 'I have to tell them the whole story and truth, fast.' I thought.
~At The Kitchen~
~My POV~
I took out a stove top pot, set it on the stove, turned on the stove, turned and walked up to the fridge, open it and grabbed the milk, closed it up, walked back to the stove, opened the lid, poured some milk into the pot, closed the lid, put the milk back into the fridge, took out some glass cups, took two trays of ice out of the freezer, placed them into the cups and put the ice back into the freezer. I grabbed a wooden spoon and stirred the milk up as Martin told us about what happened in nightmare. "When I was in my dream, I opened my eyes and see myself in a royalty clothing or something." Martin said as he kept it going and we're listening.
~After explaining what happened and poured some hot milk into the glass cups with ice in it and started drinking warm milk~
"That's what happened in my dream, and sorry if my yelping woke you 9 up. It was embarrassing, like a Martin-level embarrassing." Martin said as he took a sip of his milk. "It's okay. Everybody has nightmare sometimes, even Raph, along with our family and friends." Miah said as she took a sip of her warm milk. "Miah, I don't have any nightmares." Raph said as he took a sip of warm milk. "But that doesn't make sense. If Miah, Waunu, Erika and I are getting answers, why is Martin getting nightmares now?" I asked as I pushed my glasses back. "Looks like our answers will wait." Waunuleta said. "Yeah, but right now, we got to find out what Martin's nightmares meant." Erika replied. The nine of us agreed with Erika's words. "But how?" Donnie asked as he took a sip of warm milk also. "Looks like we need some results from Martin's nightmares, we need some observations for this." Chris said as he took his sip of warm milk. "That won't work, we need to . . . tell Martin that it'll never happen to him, as long as we're here to take care and call him 'friend' or 'brother'." I said as I sensed Raph thinking about having Martin as a best friend and a brother at the same time. 'Maybe I can tell Martin to be my best friend and we can be brothers.' I can hear Raph's thought as he took the sip again. "But what I remember in my dream is the person that said 'the legendary silver crystal will be theirs.'." Martin said, that made Miah, Waunu, Erika and I gasped in horror that made us dropped the glass cups and they shattered against the floor that made the boys gasped and the four of us went down on our knees and picked them up without cutting ourselves. We apologize as we keep going. 'He brought up the crystal? I have to show them, it's now or never.' I thought as we picked the last pieces up and threw them into the trash. "Wait here. I got something to show you guys." I said as I ran out of the kitchen with fear on my face. I ran to the room, looked around for my sketchbook, saw it, picked it up and hugged it.

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