250g minced Chicken 2 Egg whites Onion or Shallots (diced) 1/2 of a Carrot (diced) 1/2 of a Carrot (Juline) 1/3 of a leak (Juline) Poached Egg Vinger
1. first, prepare onion, carrot and then put in a saucepan.
2. Then weight out the chicken and add to the saucepan. Then add Egg whites make sure no yolk gets in it as this will make it cloudy.
3. Juline the carrot and cut the leak in half and take the first top layers of the leak a very fine slice. then put aside in water with the carrots.
4. add a litre of chicken stock to the saucepan the put on high heat. when it makes a raft (the top will become all white) poke two holes on each side of the saucepan then turn down to a simmer for twenty minutes.
5. take off and let to rest for ten minutes. while that is resting. grab a pass or a sive would work too and some muslin cloth.
6. press ladel on the raft to collect the consumme when getting to the bottom tilt the pan and repeat the process.
7. In another saucepan boil water then add a little Vinger then when the Water one way then place Egg the opposite way and the Egg white should cover the yolk. make sure the yolk is runny.
8. trim the white place in a bowl then place junline veg on top then carefully ladle the consommé. it should be transparent.
9. Enjoy.
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