The Songs

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A/N- Something tells me how I have written just a chorus of a song is kinda confusing. So I decided to post the songs. If there is a new song added to the book, I will add it here. But please have patience, when writing songs, you need to really think them through. -Char.

The Stay Alive album

Stay alive

(Refrain) You feel me move|I close my eyes| Something tells me I have to try|To fall asleep|To stay alive| This isn't my time to go| oh oh, no oh oh.||Its hard|living day by day|trying to survive|trying to escape|oh oh oh| life| is getting in the way| im not safe at school|but home is no escape||(refrain)||its getting hard|harder every day|Im not good with love|so my love slips away|oh oh oh|to think|I used to be alive|free to live my life|able to survive||(refrain)||every day|I can feel the blows|to my self esteem|and to my ego|oh oh oh|its hard|hard to fall asleep|when your scared of what|might happen while you sleep||(refrain)||the thoughts|running through my head|vary from nice and light|and heavy and dead|oh oh oh|its time|time to say good night|time to let it go|time to say goodbye.||

The World

The way|you say|you love me|just lifts|my heart|so high|if I could|not feel|my heart beat|I would think|Im not|alive|| (Refrain)Your blue-green eyes|just like the grass and sky|your hand in mine|through all the world|the way you smile|across the miles|we'll be getting wild|through the world| you're my world||just hold|my hand|and stand up|with me|and all|our hearts|the life|you know|is coming|to a close|let go|step out|believe||(refrain)|| together|together| forever|forever|your eyes on mine|the tick of time|Ill always|Ill always|forgive you|forgive you|again|and again|and again|and again||(refrain)|| youre my world.||


(Refrain) me and you|we dont care about|what they do|all we know is|together|were unstoppable|oh oh|feel that breeze|it wont bother|you and me|oh cant you see|that we are|unstoppable| unstoppable||hey| hey|turn it around| wipe|away|that sad frown| hold on|for the ride of your life|oh oh|hey|wait|why the stalling|you should|be living|partying|let go|cause were unstoppable||(refrain) ||flowers and other gifts|all because your precious|i love how generous people can be|oh oh|when your in the spotlight|people think that you rule life|i cant even start about how wrong that is||(refrain)||oh oh oh|oh oh oh|oh oh oh|unstoppable| unstopable|oh oh oh|oh oh oh|oh oh oh|unstoppable|unstoppable!||

In Candlelight

Im in a red dress|and im feeling quite stressed|as i get out of the cab tonight|i see a restraunt|look at you smile and nod|as we enter hand in hand||(refrain) hand in hand|eye on eye|together|smile wide|close your eyes|in candlelight|| your so beautifull|I risk to get hopefull|wondering if you are mine tonight|you look in my eyes|as we go inside|you dont know whats instore tonight||(refrain)||we sit in a booth|im waiting for the truth|waiting for you to spill it|i think you know|why i brought you|here now, dont you||(refrain)||you take a breath|you dont pretend |that theres a problem|you spill it out|im dying now|cause im without you||(refrain)||all alone in candlelight|


Without You

You always told me|life is pretty boring|love is kinda crazy|things are really hazy|and you always held me|with love in your expression|always being happy|never hesitating||(refrain) though i know|that love is tentative|not inventative|so augmentated|its still hard|seeing your not there|but still feeling a stare|my life is pretty bare now|that your gone|youve been carried on|youve moved on|cause you youre not here|i miss your romantic coos|jumping without a paracute|its like that without you|without you||you always said that|we were complicated|you got so frustrated|feeling so belated|what do i do now|without you beside me|without your arms around me|i dont know where im going||(refrain)||what can i do now|struggling to breathe still|think i need a refill|maybe also a sleeping pill|still trying to mend a broken heart|but all that i can feel|is how it just wont heal|i cant do this anymore||(refrain)||im without you||

Ill Be Alright

(Refrain) Its a new begining|im terrified|one last shot|to make it right|what if i miss|what if we fight|im all alone|but ill be all right||i look around|i see the city crowds|people seem alright|but crumble up|and cry at night|why must we weep|get off our feet|we've got this||(refrain)||I turn around|thinking that you're here|of course you're not|I'm full of fear|I've given up| I close my eyes|my beautiful|now I'm saying|goodbye||


(Refrain) I just want to scream out loud|let you know where I am now|I'm gonna take this way to far|I'll be wishing on a shooting star|what's so hard to understand|it means everything when you take my hand|you know I'll take this way too far|I'll be wishing on a shooting star|a shooting star||you left me alone|just sitting there|what I dont know|is what i did|think it was all for show|now I've settled down and I'm thinking|we were starcrossed from the start|and now||(refrain)||I've let it go|but I'm still pissed|you can't explain|what you're doing|no its not fine|I'm barely alive|you don't care|and the truth shows||(refrain)|you found it out|my secret love|the love for you|you didn't believe|I'm sorry now|well not really|I guess this is goodbye||(refrain)||oh you know I'll take this way too far|I'll be wishing on a shooting star|a shooting star||

A/N-Hey guys! This song, shooting star actually has nothing to do with the book. Its just a song that I wrote, frustrated with how out of it men are. What do you guys think? HIT THAT LITTLE STAR AND LET ME KNOW! Thanks guys! -Char

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